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Account settings

Showing 124

Dynamic assignee options when creating a to-do using automation

Using automation to create to-dos is a great way to drive consistency with processes. However currently when setting up an automation rule to create a to-do, you must select specific assignees. It would be great to be able to set the assignee of t...
Austin Merritt almost 5 years ago in Account settings / To-dos 0 Shipped

Automation: support setting a date field to a value relative to another date field

I wanted to create an automation to update the external release date to match the release date on a release when that changes. Arguably we should just do this automatically already... but I was hoping that Automation would solve the issue After se...
Todd Meyer almost 5 years ago in Account settings 5 Shipped

Automation: Make it easier to copy the same rules into many workspaces

Automation is nice, but it quickly is becoming tedious copying and moving generic rules across even the limited number (12) of workspaces I manage. Creating one rule and copying to each workspace takes maybe 10-15 minutes or so? That is just slow ...
Todd Meyer almost 5 years ago in Account settings 15 Shipped

In the Account - Users Screen - clicking in the 'whitespace' grants users administrative roles

In the Account - Users Screen - clicking in the 'white space' grants users administrative roles is a bug. Clicking on the check box works fine but clicking anywhere next to the box across the screen will activate the administrative role, we need t...
Mike Jacobson about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Assign me to activities and to-dos automatically

Whenever I create a new activity, or a to-do within that activity, it defaults to "unassigned". We found that for our workspace, it can only set a default assignee across all projects. We would like to be able to set defaults at more granular leve...
Guest about 5 years ago in Account settings 4 Shipped

Custom Role Visible on "User" Screen

We have implemented the custom role types in our instance. Unfortunately, we are not quickly able to identify who has the new role we implemented. Ex: we created a new role called "Contributor Plus" and we can view that "Role" from the Info--> ...
Marina Reyna over 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

IP access control settings to be enforced on shared webpages

On accounts with IP access control settings enabled, please extend this functionality to shared webpages.
Madeleine Black over 5 years ago in Account settings 1 Shipped

Allow the home page button to be set to a list of initiatives.

Currently, a list of initiatives is not an available option for the home page navigation (while a list of features is). It would be very helpful for users to be able to quickly navigate to their preferred initiatives list report using this "home" ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Account settings 1 Shipped

Product Template

The ability to clone or template every aspect of a Product for new products is instrumental when governing a portfolio of products. Having to build all objects from scratch or add templates from the lower levels is not efficient.
Paul Dickie over 5 years ago in Account settings 1 Shipped

Configure Custom Layouts - Display Product Lines and Products that are *NOT* assigned to a given Layout

Currently Aha shows me all of my Product Lines and Products that have a custom layout applied to them.I manage a very large portfolio, and therefore I need to know what Product Lines and Products do not have a Custom layout applied (i.e. what did ...
Joe Carpenter over 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped