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Allow users to arrange fields into groups in custom layouts

It would be great if I could make custom layouts more usable by arranging fields into groups or sections with a clearly visible heading. As it is today, work items have a long list of fields that are hard to use. There's a lot of cognitive load ha...
Guest about 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Ability for Admins to view the History of a custom layout to know which custom fields were added/removed and by whom.

We recently had to submit request (692700) because a custom layout that was shared by many workspaces was updated and needed to be reverted back with the fields that were removed because the admin did not know the impact was beyond a single worksp...
Mike Jacobson about 3 years ago in Account settings 5 Shipped

Aha Scorecard Navigation View - collapse 'Used in' Products listed

Issue: I am have to scroll down my page multiple times find the Name of the scorecard because we have thousands, i.e. one scorecard is used by 3302 products. Ask: Can you adjust this screen to allow the ‘Used in’ column to be optionally collapsed ...
Mike Jacobson over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Allow customization of billing admins listed when user has no seat allocated

When a user who does not have any product permissions tries to sign into Aha! they are presented with a warning alerting them to contact a billing admin to get permissions. This warning is a list of all users with Billing Admin permissions. For te...
Bonnie Trei over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Support for custom tables in advanced custom layouts

The advanced custom layouts are a great way for progressively showing additional custom fields as a record progresses through the layout. However it currently does not support custom tables, specifically one-to-many custom field relationships. Thi...
Mark Eaves over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Work Request - Release selection

When promoting to a feature or epic, allow for selection of Release the Feature or Epic should tie to– currently Epics and Features seem to be assigned to a release randomly.
Karla Johnson over 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Shipped

When Editing configure options for field lists bring me back to same page and place

Currently for Predefined Choice list fields, when clicking on Manage Choices and have a long list of options that go to more than one page, after editing an item on the second page and saving, it brings you back to the top of first page but I need...
Mousa Mitwasi over 3 years ago in Account settings 3 Shipped

Capacity Planning for Teams: Allow Team Layout to be assigned at the workspace level

Currently the Capacity Planning Team Layout is at the account level and cannot be moved
Mike Jacobson almost 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Contributor should not have permission to change a Workspace name

One of our Contributors accidentally changed the name of a Workspace. They were unaware that they would have permission to do so, and they did so by mistake. We would like to be able to disallow Contributors from changing (or accidentally deleting...
Alia Connor almost 4 years ago in Account settings 4 Shipped

New User Message when the user has NO access to any Workspaces

We are running into issues where several people are attempting to access our Aha instance – however they have not been granted ANY access. The only error message they receive is a generic one that directs them to an Admin (and the system lists ALL...
Joe Carpenter almost 4 years ago in Account settings 2 Shipped