As an account administrator, I would like the ability to export a list of all my users to a .csv file and include information on their last login as well as their user role access to the various product/product lines in my account.
At this moment most settigs (like enabling ideas and planning) has to be done per product. Since we have a lot of products in AHA! we have to change these settings for every new product. Please could you make it possible to change default settings...
Enable the terms "release" and "feature" to be defined within a product
Now that I've started using Aha for the product plan, other areas of the organization are asking if they can use Aha for enterprise project planning. It looks like a "release" could be considered a "project" in their terms. And a "feature" could b...
If you're somewhere else in the app, it's a minimum of two clicks (Account Settings > Product Settings, Product Overview > Configure) to get to the product settings page. It would be nice if we could get there directly.
Attached is a mockup ...
Setting up Duo Security and having to track (yet another) account is a hassle to get 2FA. I also find the per-account setup process and UI to be fairly cumbersome. If Google Apps SSO ( ) isn't on the cards,...