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Account settings

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Home page customization doesn't match terminology

Bug report: When editing the default home page selection for a user, we are not seeing our customized terminology in place, which is causing some confusion with our end users. Thank you
Guest over 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Alternate hierarchy to manage work through different lens

We look at the same Initiatives through two lenses: (1) the product lens, which Aha! solves really well; and (2) the program lens, which Aha! does not solve for. The idea is to have an Alternate Hierarchy in Aha!, such that the same initiative c...
Guest over 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Limit inheritance of user role on top level

We have our company set up on the root-level in Aha with the product lines underneath this. For global visibility, we would like to give our marketing team the ability to add competitors to the very top company level, which then propagates down to...
Pieter van Aarde over 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Add notification for new users being added to Aha!

When new users are added to products or invited to Aha! (specifically paid users) send an email to the account and/or billing administrators to let them know who was invited along with the user who invited them.
Dru Clegg over 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

As an Admin, I would like the ability to easily see and filter which custom fields are being used by which products and product lines

As a very large account user, we have A LOT of custom fields and we are finding it very hard to manage. Our biggest pain point is that some of our Admins will update a custom field, that they believe is only being used by them in their product, an...
Deirdre Clarke over 7 years ago in Account settings 6 Unlikely to implement

Import custom fields at product level

Aha! does not allow importing of custom fields at product level. This will be useful if that can be supported.
Guest over 7 years ago in Account settings 1 Unlikely to implement

Redirect "Request Demo" Or "Talk to an Expert" Link to an internal team's email

It would be helpful to redirect the "Request Demo" Or "Talk to an Expert" link to an internal Aha team versus Aha's support site. As a larger organization, we would like to onboard all teams in a consistent manner versus some new users redirected ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow renaming of Parking Lot

Add "Parking Lot" to the terminology area and allow a user to rename this. We have always used "Backlog" as our holding area for unscheduled ideas. When exporting the data to a report, executives aren't quite sure what "Parking Lot" refers to!
Guest over 7 years ago in Account settings 6 Unlikely to implement

Email to Users

As an Aha! administrator I would like to be able to select all or some of my account users and send them an email message so that I don't have to export their information to a file first. I'd like to be able to select one, all, or various users w...
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Account settings 2 Unlikely to implement

Add REST API to modify paid seats and simplify account provisioning

I do create reviewer and product owner users in automatically via the REST API. If I create a product owner and this exceeds the current available paid seats I get an exception. It should be possible to read the amount of available paid sea...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Account settings / API 0 Unlikely to implement