Often settings like layouts, terminology, and navigation for parent lines may be purposefully different than workspaces. It would be helpful to drive standards for lines by allowing templates to be applied at those hierarchy levels. A few examples...
Jeanette Resnikoff
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Allow ability to limit valid values in Feature fields to only display relevant values for the workspace.
When defining features in a workspace, you should only need access to utilize valid values from selected workspaces. Each workspace owner defines and reports on their valid values very differently. When all valid values from every workspace are di...
Karla Johnson
about 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
I live in Germany, like to use my apps in US English, want the ISO 8601 date formatting (2017-05-31) and want a space as the thousands separator. It really sucks that there is only a "locale" setting which assumes I want to use a certain formattin...
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Workspace Type Field for Reporting and Ability to Convert Workspace Types
We are currently using only Product workspace types at my company. In updating our configurations, I noticed that our Product Owners have created IT and Project workspace types which is outside of the standard we have set. I attempted to create a ...
Cindy Datlof
almost 5 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Pass data in shared fields between objects through linked objects
We would like data to be passed using shared fields across objects the same way promoted objects work. Today, if a field (e.g UCMGID) exists with same API key in IDeas, Features, Epics etc, that data will be passed when the Idea is promoted. What ...
Karla Johnson
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Custom field tied to a custom table should show all columns (or selected columns) from the table
We have a custom table with 4 different columns and a custom field (feature level) tied to this custom table to select a value. When I access custom field for selection, it only shows the first column in the table. However, I need to see all colum...
Ram Dhurjati
over 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Recycle Bin - increase the # of days from 7 to 30 days
Being that we had a situation with deleting workspaces & finding a bug, we realize that 7 days is not enough time to recover data in case the situation isn't uncovered within that time frame. If data is changed (bulk edit, deletion, etc), user...
Victoria Morrella
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Active Directory group integration for user authentication
We would like to give visibility (at least read only access) to Aha to a large amount of users (> 1K) in our organization however this is currently not practical as each user needs to be added manually one by one. Even when using SSO you still ...
Roman Hernandez
over 6 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Sort the list of release templates to appear in alphabetical order or set manually
What is the challenge? Large lists of release templates can be difficult to manage and sort. Not having a set list and being able to sort the order alphabetically or manually increases the time it takes to find a release template. This is also the...
Terence Osmeña
7 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration