Ability to bulk edit areas of the customization area. For instance, in the configure status, workflows, and feature types areas, it would be beneficial to be able to select multiple flows at once in order to clean things up quickly.
almost 8 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Recently integrated SSO with Aha! (thank you Chris!). we're now going to transition users from traditional password to SSO. I think there are some small changes you can make to user administration to make this easier. Should be able to search on t...
about 9 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Allow for change of Profile Email in a single sign-on setup
From time to time, employees of a company change their email address (in our case, we have more than one email domain within the company, which is another reason to change emails). Currently, if you change email, you cannot update your current pro...
Mousa Mitwasi
over 5 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
As an independent consultant, I have recommended and assisted with the set up and configuration of Aha at Several accounts. however, I can't maintain a demo set-up so I can effectively help sell the platform for you. It would also be nice, if ther...
Jesse Stein
about 6 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Clarify the use of the term "allocate seat", as it's not clear a seat can be unpaid. :-)
Hi, I had a human-error issue where I had two users in my user list that I couldn't figure out how to give them view access. I clicked the viewer access button, but nothing would happen. It turns out it was because I wasn't clicking "allocate seat...
As an Aha! administrator, I would like to control who sees banners from Aha! so that they don't blow past my banners thinking they are things from Aha! that they don't really need to read. I've learned from several of my users that they are not re...
Tom Beck
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Don't display Workflow or Scorecard metrics that aren't being used by any products
Scorecards that are created, but not being used by any products have metrics. Those metrics show up in the Ideas and Features List views as data fields that can be added. This unnecessarily adds to the list of options. The same issue occurs with W...
Suzanne Vaughan
over 10 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
As an Aha! admin I want the ability to set a default navigation for specific role types. For example, most of my users that are Viewers do not need to have access to the Strategy section. There are some exceptions though, so ideally I would be abl...
Nathaniel Collum
over 5 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Request for adding Aha! to the AzureAD applications galary for native supported AzureAD SAML 2.0 SSO
Aha! supports AzureAD logins with SAML 2.0.
Currently Microsoft offers a gallery listing of applications that can be integrated into AzureAD SSO. Aha! is listed in this directory:
Application ID: