We are expanding our use of Aha to include non-Product groups, such as Marketing. Would help to be able to change the Type on the Product configuration in the same way you can for Product Line.
Improve the creation, change and management of the Line and Workspace capabilities in easy-to-use way(s)
There needs to be a 'better' way to create the Line and Workspace hierarchy Right now, you go to an arcane place ( Account / Customizations / Workspaces ) Then you create a Line, … then you create a workspace ( or another Line ) This is a Wizard-l...
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Ability to control order of Tags when picking Tags
When adding tags to say a feature, the list is always alphabetical. When you have more than a couple tags, it can be a pain to find the most important/common tags because they are buried in a list that only shows a few at a time. Ideally you'd be ...
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Ability for administrator to restrict product owners from adding custom fields
It would be great if the administrator could have more control over what the product owners can and cannot do. If product owners are allowed to create their own fields...filtering these fields in the list view can be overwhelming and hard to use. ...
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
on the user admin screen (and associated 'user' areas of the Product and Product lines) it would be helpful to have a count of users in each column. i.e. for 'Paid Seats' I would like to see (37) underneath that column.
In the product/product line...
Joe Carpenter
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Need additional details around the User Roles - specifically who can delete what
Currently the role descriptions give a general idea as to who can add what, but doesn't speak to who can delete certain things within the Aha! instance. You might be indicating that by saying (i.e.) that the Contributor role can *manage*".. strate...
Joe Carpenter
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Custom tags are a powerful feature. for reasons I'm confident you're aware of. However, once you create a custom tag field, say "PM_Ideas", there is not the ability to edit or delete the tag value. This is very limiting in such key ways as 1) Once...
Stop auto-reformatting text for Customized Terminology
When using custom terminology per product, Aha! automatically reformats text, capitalizing/not capitalizing and adding an "s". The customized terminology would be much more beneficial were it truly customizable.
Kelly Killeen
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Under the current default Settings, capacity planning is turned off. Our site would like to have the default ON, and to have the default to enter effort at the requirement level.
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Ideas and Features have ID's so that they can be uniquely found but Custom Table Records do not have ID or unique links
Ideas and Features have ID's so that they can be uniquely found but Custom Table Records do not have ID or unique links I want to be able to share a Custom Table entry to others so that they can quickly locate it For example IDEA has a unique ID A...