I have two separate workflows for our AI team and our Engineering team. Our AI team requires multiple stages of investigation, data collection, model analysis, etc. and our Engineering workflow is much more standard. I'd like to see them both toge...
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
I have approval gates set up for initiatives when transitioning from Conceive to Design, Validate to Design and Design to Ready. When I add a fresh new initiative it starts in the Not Started stage. When I transition it to Conceive, it auto genera...
Praseetha Balakrishnan
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Currently when you save/refresh, you get bounced back to the table where you can see all your custom layouts. It would be nice to have the saving happen on the layout builder page so users can keep editing without having to click back into the lay...
Jessica Murray
about 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
We are trying to enhance the use of projects and have been trying to encourage users to do all of their work in Aha! rather than off system. One thing that Aha! does not do by default is allow logging of risks. To work around, I have created a cus...
Lina Lawrence
about 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
When setting up SAML SSO you have to enter the certificate thumbprint. The thumbprint requires the hexadecimal pairs to be split with : but this is not automatically added. Detect and if not present add automatically.
about 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Deeper integration with Teams by using custom App and SAML2
Using the Microsoft Teams App Studio we can add sites that are packaged together as a set of tabs accessed by an icon on the sidebar of Teams. When using SAML2 authentication with Microsoft Azure Active Directory, users of the site is presented wi...
about 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Migrating a workspace from a free trial environment to a customised company domain/environment doesn't always go smoothly. To do's and other data fields do not get migrated through the export/import process. Providing 30 day trials within a compan...
Karl V
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Allow non-admin product owners to select the custom layout when creating a new workspace
This appears to be the current process - can this be made leaner? Non-admins create new workspaces Admin identifies workspaces which don't have the correct custom layout Admin manually adds the correct custom layout (I didn't find a way to bulk ed...
Mary Carrigan
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration