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My ideas: Account settings

Showing 45

Remain authenticated on browser or PC restart when on trusted client

So far, one must re-authenticate every time its browser or PC is restarted, for security. The result is not a fancy User Experience. I guess many users have a "trusted" PCs or laptops for a day-to-day work. Many online services offer to skip authe...
Guest about 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement

Allow admin to save expired broadcast messages

For auditing and documentation purposes, it would be helpful if admins could save expired broadcast messages, including a record of when they were enabled and when they were deleted. This functionality would be useful in cases where one or more us...
Evan Sanders about 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement

Ability to hide competitor fields for one competitor, not all of them at the same time

It often happens that you don't have all data for every competitor. In Aha! you can only choose between hiding it for all competitors or showing it for all competitors (meaning you will have empty fields).
Guest over 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement

Add ProductPrefix and ProductRole attributes to Aha SAML integration app offered via Okta

We have enabled SSO for our users via Okta using SAML 2.0. Aha! team has provided Aha SAML integration App via Okta (told by Okta support). However, this ready made integration app does not support optional attributes ProductPrefix nor ProductRole...
Antti Toivonen almost 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement

Add AHA User Types

As an AHA Product Owner, I find there are certain permissions I would like a user to have that is less than the permissions allowed under the contributor license but more than the reviewer license. Currently our operations team identifies "issues ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement