We have Aha interacting with MS Teams for actions that occur on a product. Instead of spamming every activity that might change in status I may, for example, want to only send a status update on teh feature when it gets to certain phases (i.e. Rea...
about 7 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Add "Parking Lot" to the terminology area and allow a user to rename this. We have always used "Backlog" as our holding area for unscheduled ideas. When exporting the data to a report, executives aren't quite sure what "Parking Lot" refers to!
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
I live in Germany, like to use my apps in US English, want the ISO 8601 date formatting (2017-05-31) and want a space as the thousands separator. It really sucks that there is only a "locale" setting which assumes I want to use a certain formattin...
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Keep webhook URL the same when updating custom domain
I recently updated the custom domain on my account. What I didn't realize is that this would also update the URL to my webhook for the JIRA integration, and ultimately cause the JIRA -> Aha! push to stop working. To avoid this in the future, I ...
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Custom table records are currently sorted by order of creation. Since users often create more important/common records first, the important ones end up at the bottom of the list. Instead, allow sorting these records via drag-and-drop (or at least ...
Zach Schneider
about 8 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
I would like to have the ability to set an automatic deactivation of user accounts after XX days of inactivity.
Use Case: As an admin with a large user base, I frequently have users moving between groups, changing responsibilities, etc. Sometimes...
Joe Carpenter
about 8 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
When editing Tags list on "Config Tags" page, having the ability to bulk edit Tags (Delete specifically) would be very handy as the tags list could become very lengthy and removing multiple tags (with a criteria e.g. Tag starting with RFP#) takes ...