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My ideas: Account settings

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Adding values for custom fields at product level, not just account level

We have a number of Product Managers. It will be good if they are able to add values to certain custom fields so that an integration between JIRA and Aha doesn't break. For example, components. If an engineer adds a component in JIRA, it will be g...
Project Parker almost 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Add more granular admin permission for configuring product lines

In order to maintain consistency across the product hierarchy, it is important to keep control over the naming and organization of product lines and products. In many cases some users should have administrator access to make customizations for the...
Austin Merritt almost 7 years ago in Account settings 5 Future consideration

Clarify the use of the term "allocate seat", as it's not clear a seat can be unpaid. :-)

Hi, I had a human-error issue where I had two users in my user list that I couldn't figure out how to give them view access. I clicked the viewer access button, but nothing would happen. It turns out it was because I wasn't clicking "allocate seat...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Custom Fields: Automatically linking the values of one field to be published in the linked field

I have created a custom field in features which links to persona’s. I am able to add the relevant persona’s for the product. The drop down shows the correct products to choose from. Similarly, I have created a custom field in persona’s linked to f...
Project Parker almost 7 years ago in Account settings 4 Future consideration

Broadcasts - Need functionality to allow a Broadcast to expire after x views

Right now #Broadcasts is a great tool, but the implementation is very wieldy for the Aha admin as they (currently) only have the ability to turn them on or off. I would like the ability to have them automatically expire for the individual user aft...
Joe Carpenter about 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Add a Role / Responsibility, Department / Team field to the User account page

In addition to User E-mail and Forename and Surname it would be useful for those managing a project within a large team. If we are assigning work to other users particularly across functions / departments it would assist the administrators / other...
Guest about 7 years ago in Account settings 3 Future consideration

Limit inheritance of user role on top level

We have our company set up on the root-level in Aha with the product lines underneath this. For global visibility, we would like to give our marketing team the ability to add competitors to the very top company level, which then propagates down to...
Pieter van Aarde about 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Add notification for new users being added to Aha!

When new users are added to products or invited to Aha! (specifically paid users) send an email to the account and/or billing administrators to let them know who was invited along with the user who invited them.
Dru Clegg about 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

As an Admin, I would like the ability to easily see and filter which custom fields are being used by which products and product lines

As a very large account user, we have A LOT of custom fields and we are finding it very hard to manage. Our biggest pain point is that some of our Admins will update a custom field, that they believe is only being used by them in their product, an...
Deirdre Clarke about 7 years ago in Account settings 6 Future consideration

"If Then Else" for Activity webhooks

We have Aha interacting with MS Teams for actions that occur on a product. Instead of spamming every activity that might change in status I may, for example, want to only send a status update on teh feature when it gets to certain phases (i.e. Rea...
Guest about 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration