Allow ability to limit valid values in Feature fields to only display relevant values for the workspace.
When defining features in a workspace, you should only need access to utilize valid values from selected workspaces. Each workspace owner defines and reports on their valid values very differently. When all valid values from every workspace are di...
Karla Johnson
about 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Allow Requirement Dates to drive that roll up to a Feature to drive that Feature's start & due date.
We integrate with Jira Engineering work at the Requirement level and must see dates associated with Jira Stories as Requirements in Aha! Since addressing the Requirements / Jira User Stories make our Features a reality, we request that a setting b...
over 6 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Add more granular admin permission for configuring product lines
In order to maintain consistency across the product hierarchy, it is important to keep control over the naming and organization of product lines and products. In many cases some users should have administrator access to make customizations for the...
Austin Merritt
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
I live in Germany, like to use my apps in US English, want the ISO 8601 date formatting (2017-05-31) and want a space as the thousands separator. It really sucks that there is only a "locale" setting which assumes I want to use a certain formattin...
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
When user logs out of Aha! the logout message should be sent to the IdP. If user logs out of IdP Aha! should process logout message and also logout user. This should be supported for both Aha! and for idea portals.
Chris Waters
almost 9 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Ability to select the display order or placement of all the fields for both ideas and features that are displayed in Aha!
Today the idea or feature description is at the bottom of the display and it requires you to scroll down for the description. Can we control the placement of all of the fields which display for Ideas & Features including custom fields and idea...
Charlene Brennan
about 9 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
It would be beneficial to Product Line Managers and Product Managers if individual custom components could be hidden from some individuals. This is useful when adding sensitive financial data or other secure information. If the Product is shared f...
almost 10 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Pass data in shared fields between objects through linked objects
We would like data to be passed using shared fields across objects the same way promoted objects work. Today, if a field (e.g UCMGID) exists with same API key in IDeas, Features, Epics etc, that data will be passed when the Idea is promoted. What ...
Karla Johnson
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration