Appreciate this can be achieved via SSO but it would be a great admin feature to have on the AHA side of the interface. As an admin i would like to be able to set a default permission for product & role rather than have to dialogue with our IT...
Paul Dickie
over 5 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Easily disable/enable automations from main screen
What is the challenge? I have to click into each automation to enable/disable. This is annoying and time consuming. What is the impact? Spending too much time on something that should be really easy. Describe your idea Be able to enable/disable au...
Amanda K
6 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Improve error messages for background job failures
When background jobs fail we are not able to see what caused the failure. It would be helpful to see which records(s) caused the issue so that the errors can be resolved quickly. Recently saw this with a bulk update job error - the message indicat...
Kristina Gass
almost 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
As an admin, we are addressing logging and monitoring policies in our company. We would like to capture a log of API calls made to a specific Aha instance. We are aware that you have an activity webhook that will notify our system of every change ...
Victoria Morrella
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
It would be great if Aha! provided a step-by-step wizard to setup the Capacity Planning for Teams feature, very similar to how the current integration setup wizard functions. As an admin, I am not quite sure the sequence that I need to set up the ...
I would like to know if there is a way to establish a scorecard for Master Features that is separate from the scorecard used for Features. We would like to use a specific scorecard at the Master Feature level such as estimated revenue, cost saving...
Matt Howard
about 6 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
We have come across the issue of team members setting up different workspace types in our Business Line. This makes reporting complicated as the status do not line up. There should be a way to restrict workspace types for new workspaces with admin...
about 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Bulk edit is not currently available for "Aha! record relationships" custom fields, nor "custom table relationship" custom fields.
Adding the ability, at least for "custom table relationship" custom fields will go a long way to increasing usabili...
over 6 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Capacity for teams: API support for team schedules
Ability to create and update schedules via the API. This would allow us to automate team availability (user's PTO or maternity/paternity) and easily update company holidays.