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My ideas: Account settings

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Configure terminology of Notebook navigation menue and Documents sub-menu

Currently terminology can be configured for workspace, goal, initiative etc. Would like the ability to also use our own terminology for Notebook and Documents as the recent out of the box changes to terminology don't mense sense to our users.
Julie Edwards almost 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

I want a user-impersonate option to let me and your staff debug user experiences

I want to login as a user with less rights (ie a simple contributor or reviewer) who has reported unusual behaviors I do not see myself. For example, I want to open incognito, go to an admin account feature, login as "impersonation" of a user I pi...
Kevin Martin almost 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Ability to schedule activity report

Currently most reports can be scheduled. However, there is no way to schedule the user activity report at this time. We need to be able to schedule activity reports so we can better utilize our licenses and assign to users who need access.
Andras Szakal almost 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Import Users on Account Setting Page

When onboading additional team members on to Aha, it is really a pain in the butt to creat 30 accounts by hand. Put a import users option that allows me upload a excel spreadsheet and create those users with the permissions I set for the batch imp...
Frank S about 2 years ago in Account settings 1 Already exists

Allow Timeframe to be used for filtering in Worksheet fields

As part of our maturity review we want to quickly understand if a particular workspace has planned their Initiatives and Goals in the current Timeframe (e.g. this year). To do this we'd like to create a worksheet on the workspace object, but the f...
Michael Bruner about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Have Separate Access Permission for Ideas and Roadmaps

Some of the user groups in our org need to manage Ideas but we don't want them to view or change roadmaps WIP.
Kathleen Singleton about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Manage Users admins shouldn't be allowed to change the admin roles for themselves or other users

People in our organization are given the Manage Users admin role in order to manage the licenses associated to paid seats. However, the Manage Users admins are able to assign additional administrative privileges to themselves & other users. Am...
David I. about 2 years ago in Account settings 3 Future consideration

Provide help with consequences of merging custom fields

The Aha! KB article on merging and converting custom fields explains that there are implications for integrations and reports when merging fields. Specifically: If an integration included the old custom field, you will need to update the field map...
Steve Dagless about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Customize / Create New Record Link Relationship Types

In Aha! we can only create record link with the 6 default relationship types, while in Jira the new relationship types can be added and are customizable. We n...
Hank Liu about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Prevent non-billing admin workspace owners from adding paid seats outside their owned paid seat groups

The cure was determined to be worse than the ailment. Moved to an idea, tracked here: Currently there is an edge case where project owners are able to add users that take up paid seats outside the paid seat...
Chris Zempel about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement