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My ideas: Account settings

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Add more granular admin permission for configuring product lines

In order to maintain consistency across the product hierarchy, it is important to keep control over the naming and organization of product lines and products. In many cases some users should have administrator access to make customizations for the...
Austin Merritt over 7 years ago in Account settings 5 Unlikely to implement

Ability to archive custom fields

We have a large set of custom fields and the fields evolve over time. This means fields are withdrawn from use periodically, but there's no way to mark a custom field as archived and so prevent it from being available to include in a layout or rep...
Sophie Ramsden over 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Allow scorecards to be inherited from the product line

We have a lot of sub-products in our company, but we'd like to use the same general scorecard, linked to our general product goals, for all of them. It seems that currently scorecards need to be configured for each and every product, which isn't e...
Guest about 8 years ago in Account settings 1 Unlikely to implement

Field Mapping Settings for Each Workspace

What is the challenge? Promoting an idea or feature does not transfer important fields or custom fields What is the impact? This causes a lot of repetitive action on my part when promoting an idea to a feature or vise-versa Describe your idea I wo...
Dara Fadeyi 9 months ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Enable Conversion of Product Workspace to Product Line

In the creation / setup phase of workspaces and product lines, we cannot change the workspace designation to a product line. Instead we have to move the data objects from the existing workspace to other workspaces, then delete the workspace that c...
Roger Octobre over 4 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Implement user import

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea
Guest 5 months ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

In the Menu: Account Settings > Customizations > Statuses and workflows, show a list without having to scroll down many times to find the workflow names

What is the challenge? In the Menu: Account Settings > Customizations > Statuses and workflows, What can I do to show a list without having to scroll down many times to find the workflow names (See screenshot below). What is the impact? I ne...
Mike Jacobson 5 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Standardize active user calculation

Aha! shows how many users are active in an account in two places: On the Billing page and in the CSV download of users on the Users page. For the Billing page, the number is calculated using the last login time, but for the CSV the report shows th...
Emily Yankush over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Make date & number formatting customizable

I live in Germany, like to use my apps in US English, want the ISO 8601 date formatting (2017-05-31) and want a space as the thousands separator. It really sucks that there is only a "locale" setting which assumes I want to use a certain formattin...
Guest over 7 years ago in Account settings 5 Future consideration

Customize the terminology of "Enter manually" that appears beside the progress bar

Allow customization of the "Enter Manually" wording for the progress bar selection.
Lance Hook almost 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration