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Showing 388

Allow release template to be selected when importing releases via CSV so they have phases (or just use the default)

When you import new releases via CSV, you cannot specify a release template to be applied to the release. The side effect of this, is that all imported releases have no release phases. We should allow people to specify a release template by name w...
Todd Meyer about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

When importing new features via CSV, add them in the order they appear in the CSV

Currently when importing features via CSV, the features are added to the release(s) in the opposite order they appear in the CSV file. Ex: CSV file: Feature A Feature B Feature C Aha! release after import: Feature C Feature B Feature A Assuming th...
Todd Meyer about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Ability to view my Aha! access via my Profile

I'd like to see the level of access I have e.g. Reviewer, Contributer via my Profile details.
Guest about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Jump to a Page Number

Hello. I would like to be able to type in a page number to jump to. For example, I have deleted a user on page 132 and after deleting them it resets me back to page 1. Then I have to click "Last" which takes me to page 134 and then I have to loo...
Cindy Datlof about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Control Timeframe Field Sorting

I have several initiative "timeframes" setup (Q1'20, Q2'20, etc.). But when I go to select one from the timeframe dropdown in my initiative, it is sorted as "Q1'20, Q1'21, Q1'22...". There doesn't seem to be any way to sort it besides alphabetical...
David Ninow about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Create tags from the bulk edit screen

The Bulk edit screen only allows you to select from existing tags when applying tags to a group of records. When a user wants to add a new tag to multiple records, they first have to edit one of the records individually to create the new tag and t...
Nico Arias-Gonzalez 3 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Show workspace prefixes in the permissions modal

As an admin with a lot of workspaces, it can be difficult to know which workspace(s) to grant access to without the workspace prefix visible in the permissions table. Please add the ability to view and/or filter by the prefix.
Kelly Sebes about 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Create an Assign to Preference in Personal Settings

This is based on a hack I use to reverse a default AHA T0-Do assignment behavior. Create a Reviewer account name "Unassigned". Create a NEW Personal Setting "Default To-Do Assignment:" Change the Default To-Do Assignment from my self to "Unassigne...
Frank Fuchs over 4 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration