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Account settings

Showing 122

Allow automations to trigger each other

Dear Team. In order to gather several approvals via to-dos in our feature and idea workflows, it seems automation rules would be a better choice for us then fixed workflows. While experimenting them it turned out that one automation action which c...
Krisztina Hodjan over 4 years ago in Account settings 2 Shipped

Edit & change custom field type

I'd like to change a custom field from Editable Choice List to Tags. This would let users choose multiple values instead of a single value. But to do this, I have to delete the field and create another one, which destroys the data I've already ent...
Jonathon Leeke over 9 years ago in Account settings / Features 9 Shipped

Allow setting feature record date defaults on workspace templates

It is possible to set default behavior for Features in the "Record dates" section of a workspace or workspace line, choosing between "Enter manually" and "Calculate from releases". In the same settings on a workspace template, "Features" are not i...
Maria Plotkina 4 months ago in Account settings 2 Shipped

Ability for Admins to view the History of a custom layout to know which custom fields were added/removed and by whom.

We recently had to submit request (692700) because a custom layout that was shared by many workspaces was updated and needed to be reverted back with the fields that were removed because the admin did not know the impact was beyond a single worksp...
Mike Jacobson about 3 years ago in Account settings 5 Shipped

Enable automations to work with custom tables

We are tracking weekly status and comments in a custom table so that we can see patterns (like green-green-green-RED in status to help teams get better at project management). We'd like the status value of the custom table to trigger an update to ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Account settings 2 Shipped

Customize time to show only hours not days

Today all time (estimate, capacity etc) is displayed in the format of days and hours. If you type in 16h it will be converted to 2 days. We only work in hours when calculating estimates and capacity etc. So this is only confusing. It would be wer...
Guest about 9 years ago in Account settings 7 Shipped

Improve performance of custom layout

What is the challenge? In some cases, it can take up to 60 seconds for custom layouts to load. Any time I need to make a change to a layout, it takes forever just to load the page. What is the impact? The long loading times hurt productivity. Desc...
Nathaniel Collum 9 months ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Automatic logout After 15 minutes

Most companies require an automatic log out after 15 minutes now. Adding this as an option when enabling Automatic Logout will enable many companies to adhere to their security standards.
Guest over 1 year ago in Account settings 1 Shipped

Make global changes to the business model canvas

We want all our product owners to be able to use a single default template for the business model canvas when they set up their new products. it would be nice for this to be another thing that we can configure in the settings menu for either a pro...
Guest over 8 years ago in Account settings 7 Shipped

Auto pluralization and capitalization of custom terminology override option needed

When adding customized terminology in workspace settings, Aha automatically adds an "s" to the end of the words. There are instructions stating the words will be pluralized, but it just doesn't work for all words. We use Priority as a standard and...
Shayne Smith about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped