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User management

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Reviewer role should not be able to change idea status

There is a good use case documented for Reviewers to be able to edit ideas they've submitted in an ideas portal ( However, allowing them to change the Status of that idea is not a good idea. This is and s...
Michael Tucker almost 5 years ago in User management 1 Future consideration

Allow Reviewers to receive notifications when new ideas are added to an idea portal

Currently, an Admin can add a Reviewer as a Watcher to any new ideas shared in an idea portal. To eliminate the need for this, allow a user to update their notification preferences to include newly submitted ideas in a portal. Even further, allow ...
Jeff Whitney about 5 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Mass vote allocation increase for Ideas portal users

Hello Aha! We have our Ideas portal users vote allocation set at 10. However, we have A LOT of active users who have maxed out their votes. I need a way to do a mass vote allocate increase. For select users maxed out with 10 votes, bump them...
Ginger Alford over 5 years ago in User management 3 Future consideration

Allow GitHub users to pass through their credentials to an Idea portal

We have a large open-source community that uses GitHub to interact with us and who has privacy concerns (the anonymous setting for the portal not believed to be adequate). Ideally, our open-source community would be able to pass through their GitH...
Lisa Stidham over 5 years ago in User management 0 Unlikely to implement

Users without surname cannot be added.

In some cultures people have only first name. The Surname field is required by default and it causes problems with creation of new seat.
Guest over 5 years ago in User management 0 Unlikely to implement

Forgotten password option on Ideas Portal

Please add a forgotten password option to the Ideas Portal login page; so that users can self serve for password resets. If a user has been issued an invite, but not set a password, the link should also re-issue the invite / allow them to create p...
Mark Evans over 5 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Allow portal users to display company and title

When our team is commenting back on ideas, we want our customers to know they are employees and their title. We would also like customer to be able to edit their profile and show their title.
Guest over 5 years ago in User management 1 Future consideration

For JWT SSO, don't overwrite updated values for First Name, Last Name, etc.

Typically in SSO JIT flows, the metadata about the user, for example First Name and Last Name, are used during User Creation (JIT from SSO), not subsequent User Authentication. For example, if I edit a user in the Admin side, and put in their prop...
Guest over 5 years ago in User management 0 Unlikely to implement

Option to remain anonymous when submitting an Idea

The current settings in 'Configure Portals' reads ‘allow portal users to be anonymous’ however I’ve since confirmed that there isn’t an option to allow customer's to select this option if preferred. The selection of this box in the configuration m...
Guest over 5 years ago in User management 2 Already exists

Default idea portal comments to public

The inverse of this idea in some ways. The ability to force all comments on an idea portal to be public.
Guest almost 6 years ago in User management 0 Already exists