It seems that atm when a user (idea creator) wishes to remove his user from Aha! he can't do it without contacting the Aha! support team and they have to contact the ideas portal owner (us) to remove and delete the user. Why not have this opting i...
Or Manor
over 1 year ago
in User management
Already exists
Allow semi-private portals with pre-shared parameter protection
Currently you support either public portals or private ones (including JWT/SSO login). We do not want to implement a full JWT/SSO login, but at the same time also not just make the ideas page public to everyone. We only want our application users ...
over 1 year ago
in User management
Future consideration
Allow for us to define the content of an automatic email sent
We lock down our Aha! ideation url to only be accessed from our app. We see that as an important part of keeping our 'secret sauce' secret. The problem is when we promote an idea, our customer get an email with a link that does not allow them to a...
Unsubscribe option on weekly idea portal notification email
This is a very basic, fundamental requirement of any scheduled email distributions for the user themselves as a self serve option... and not an expected admin operation.
Jeff Shaffer
over 1 year ago
in User management
Already exists
Assign portal users to an organisation and limit votes to the organisation instead of user
We currently allow multiple users to join our ideas portal from the same organisation, this is due to different members of that organisation specialising in different fields and thus having different ideas based on their profession and different t...
over 1 year ago
in User management
Future consideration
User Management moved from Main Menu to Product line settings
I have to manage more than 100+ users on a regular basis in Aha!. With the latest change, the Users tab has been moved to Product Line/Product which is adding to number of clicks everytime to add/manage/remove users. To add to the pain, there is n...
Prasad GVS
almost 2 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Existing 'Users' custom field should include portal users as we..
Currently the 'Users' custom field only exposes internal users. For our private Ideas portal, the user who creates an Idea for a given Organization is not always the same user who has final approval if the scope/requirements. If we can capture the...
David Barber
almost 2 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Translation possibility for the names of custom pages
While almost everything in the portal van be translated, including own data like statuses, the names of custom pages can't be translated. This means they are shown in the language of creation, while all other therms are translated
about 2 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
The ability to see how many users from each organization have created accounts in an idea portal
We are measuring engagement via the idea portals. We'd like to be able to see how engaged and institution is with us and one of the measures we are using for that is how many people are registered for the portal. In order to get this information r...
Debra Hunter
over 2 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
We need a way to view workspace owner and user activity in a report. This view exists in user history, but this is not shareable. I need to share with leadership how the tool is being used. Combine user history and contact view, to provide per use...
over 2 years ago
in User management
Future consideration