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My ideas: User management

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Existing 'Users' custom field should include portal users as we..

Currently the 'Users' custom field only exposes internal users. For our private Ideas portal, the user who creates an Idea for a given Organization is not always the same user who has final approval if the scope/requirements. If we can capture the...
David Barber almost 2 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Fetch users by email in Aha! Users API

Just like GET /api/v1/users/:id it would be really useful and time saving that, instead of the id, the user email could also be sent.
Guest almost 6 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Create new User Permission Category between Reviewer and Contributor

Based on our organizational structure and roles and responsibilities the "Reviewer" role does not have enough permission and the "Contributor" role has too much. Specifically, we're looking for a role that removes "add manage strategy" from the co...
Dan Molloy about 8 years ago in User management 0 Unlikely to implement

Translation possibility for the names of custom pages

While almost everything in the portal van be translated, including own data like statuses, the names of custom pages can't be translated. This means they are shown in the language of creation, while all other therms are translated
Guest about 2 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Deactivating Users

Currently when deactivating a user, the user then becomes 'greyed' out. This isn't readily obvious due to coloring, resolution, etc. Suggestion is to clearly annotate the user with a Joe Smith - Deactivated or something similar
Joe Carpenter about 9 years ago in User management 0 Unlikely to implement

Show Idea Portal Users linked to Roadmap Users

When you have SSO configured in Aha! Roadmaps, but not in a Aha! Ideas portal, we found that there appears to be a backend relationship not visible to administrators and this will allow users with Roadmap accounts to authenticate via Roadmaps SSO ...
David Willequer over 2 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Allow SAML / SSO created users to be placed in a default permissions group

We are allowing all the engineers in our company to view the roadmap information in Aha! by enabling SSO registration. It's a transparency policy that enables the engineers to see how the feature pipeline is determined. Issue here is that SSO crea...
Marcus Gavel over 9 years ago in User management 6 Already exists

Separate Employee & Client Visibility in the Ideas Portal

When my co-workers submit their product gripes on our internal ideas portal, I want it to be internally visible only by default.
Ross Reynolds (External) almost 10 years ago in User management 6 Already exists

Allow management of users I create after removing from Workspace I am Owner of.

Dear Aha! UX team, I created two users and then lost them as I was attempting to move them to the correct Workspace. There was no indication that I would lose management access of those user accounts once removed. Thanks, Vinnie
Guest over 2 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Admin ability to upload user profile photos

Adding photos to user profiles humanizes the interactions between team members. I'd like to be able to upload a photo for every user I create, so I don't have to ask each user to do so.
Asim Dhital over 2 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration