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User management

Showing 23

Separate Employee & Client Visibility in the Ideas Portal

When my co-workers submit their product gripes on our internal ideas portal, I want it to be internally visible only by default.
Ross Reynolds (External) almost 10 years ago in User management 6 Already exists

Add one more level of idea visibility

You draw the distinction between 3 types of users in an Ideas Portal, yet the visibility permissions only reference 2 of those types. Please provide one additional layer of visibility permission to limit ideas to Aha! users only. Internal users ca...
Guest over 2 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Default idea portal comments to public

The inverse of this idea in some ways. The ability to force all comments on an idea portal to be public.
Guest almost 6 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

User management between Aha and Aha Ideas is terrible and confusing- please make it more straightforward and intuitive.

Even when I set the domain for my company under "Users with these email addresses are allowed to register for access to a private portal. They can also view ideas that have visibility set to "Visible to internal users."" it does not apply that per...
Adam D over 3 years ago in User management 1 Already exists

Ability to edit ideas created by same user, regardless of whether using a portal or Aha! directly.

Same user enters an ideas on their individual platform. Cannot edit the idea within the portal, even with the permissions granted. Would like the ability for the same user to enter ideas in the portal or individual platforms & still have edit ...
Guest over 3 years ago in User management 3 Already exists

Portal User privacy/confidentiality management

We want to provide the ability for our customers to share ideas, but also maintain client confidentiality. Masking client names is only possible though CSS and JavaScript which can be circumvented, and doesn't apply to email notifications. A syste...
Wes Gillette almost 8 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Display (show) the AHA idea number (#) in the preview of the idea so it can be found and referenced easier or allow a report to be run

Display (show) the AHA idea number (#) in the preview of the idea so it can be found and referenced easier or allow a report to be run I'm currently trying to create a list of my ideas so I can track them against previous Incidents or get people t...
Charlene Brennan over 8 years ago in User management 2 Already exists

Disable idea's portal self registration

As we are looking to enable SSO, we don't want the ability to people to self register as we want them to be a customer of our product first.
Guest almost 9 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Submit Ideas on behalf of Users

Some users would prefer to contact us directly about a feature idea versus going online and submitting it for various reasons. Is there a way for us to submit an idea on behalf of a user and then send them an email asking them to sign off on it an...
Guest about 6 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Restrict Portal Users from Viewing and Voting on Specific Products

As a Product Owner/Contributor, I expect that my portal users will only provide feedback to products that they own. I do not expect them navigating to and viewing/voting on ideas on products/projects they are not associated with. I have stakeholde...
Guest over 7 years ago in User management 0 Already exists