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Allow hiding idea portal logo in emails

Sometimes you do not want the idea portal logo to show at the top of the emails that users receive. Allow an option to hide the logo so that it will not be included in the email
Guest about 5 years ago in Branding 1 Future consideration

Allow Full Customization of Email Template

As I lead design + product at my company, I'd love to be able to have full control over the contents of the email templates that are sent via Aha. Currently the content is injected into what seems to be a pre-existing template and the large logo i...
Guest over 5 years ago in Branding 7 Future consideration

Submit only ideas portal -- terminology cannot be changed on submitted screen

When using a submit only ideas portal there is part of the terminology which cannot be edited. This is inconsistent as all other areas of the ideas portal can have their terminology changed. The specific text is "It has been allocated identifier" ...
Tom Bailey over 5 years ago in Branding / Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Customize email templates by idea status

Our team has multiple statuses for ideas. We would like the ability to send a customized email message based on that specific status. Currently Aha only has a "general" status notification email. We would like to extend this as our portal is setup...
Guest over 5 years ago in Branding 8 Future consideration

Allow ideas portal logo to link to company website

One of the best features of ideas portals is using CSS and CNAME to make them look and feel part of your website. However, standard UX is that a top-left logo goes to your website home page, so linking the logo to the portal home page provides a d...
Guest about 7 years ago in Branding 0 Future consideration

Update Ideas portal branding via API

We would like to continuously deploy the CSS and HTML of the public Ideas portal from our CI system, via the API. Right now looks like that is not possible, the only workaround being reverse-engineering the form.
Guest about 7 years ago in Branding 1 Unlikely to implement

Give ability to turn off music in videas

I was watching the video. The background music is surprisingly intrusive and annoying and it would be nice to have the ability to switch it off
Guest over 7 years ago in Branding 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow customizing the Ideas Portal Emails From Address

Emails sent from the ideas portal have a From address of The from address should be customizable to be branded just like the reply-to address. If my company domain name is, I want to have the from email address be somet...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Branding 13 Unlikely to implement

Different Logo for Ideas Portal Emails

Our Logo uses white text on a coloured background which looks great in the Ideas Portal. However the email which is sent out to a User raising an idea on the Portal only has a white background. The text in our logo image is therefore invisible. Ca...
John Hopkin almost 10 years ago in Branding 0 Unlikely to implement