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Give certain idea portal users' votes more weight (or give them more votes)

While reviewing ideas with clients and internal stakeholders, I would like some of their votes to count more (or for them to have more votes) than others. For instance, the CEO of the company or the VP of Fundraising's opinion on an idea would cou...
Guest about 7 years ago in Voting 5 Already exists

Salesforce integration should not change vote count

Currently when you link a Salesforce case to an Aha! Idea, it increments the number of “votes” by 1. Why does it do that? Can we configure our instance so that it doesn’t affect the vote count? Since our Aha! Portal is internally-facing, we’re cur...
Guest about 7 years ago in Voting 1 Will not implement

Add voting limitation by company/email domain

As a user, I would like to have the ability to define number of votes available by the company or email domain of my portal users, so that I can provide a balance between larger and smaller customers. Our client sizes can vary significantly, so wh...
Norah Brennan about 7 years ago in Voting 0 Unlikely to implement

Add ability for a user to 'unvote' for an idea, if they have previously 'voted' for it

Sometimes people click when they didn't quite mean to or maybe change their opinion. Perhaps persuasive comments in the thread or other factors means they change their mind. However, seems there's no way for a user to undo or 'unvote' for an idea ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Voting 3 Already exists

Pop up messages.Priority messages on both GoTrex and Webagent

It would be good to be able to place a 'Post it note' or priority message on both systems when a client has made an important request (eg, please do not discuss my claim/sensitive information with my employer/broker/family) It would be really usef...
Guest over 8 years ago in Voting 0 Will not implement

Hide Vote Count

We would like to be able to hide the vote count from certain users that login to our Ideas portal. In this case, our customers specifically. Having Ideas with visible a large number of votes creates pressure to implement from clients that we would...
Guest over 8 years ago in Voting 4 Already exists

Make the user persona custom field more user-friendly

Currently, I have a user persona custom field on my ideas portal. When adding new ideas, I get a dropdown of the user personas, which is fine. But once the idea is displaying for other users to see, it simply lists the selected user persona like t...
Guest over 8 years ago in Voting 1 Already exists

Customize "Vote" options to custom picklist or the basic facebook 'like' emotions

Voting on an idea is of little value in determining how your users will receive, or want to work with you, on an idea. Some users may vote for anything thats of any value, others may only vote for those ideas they really need. Its an ok data point...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Voting 0 Already exists

Ability to share your idea with others, and ask them to vote for it

Meltwater has just implemented our first ideas portal, and the response from our users (the Sales group) has been terrific! One of our ideas portal users submitted the following request: Is there a way to share the ideas we've submitted via the fe...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Voting 4 Unlikely to implement

Allow for an up or down vote

We want to know who is for and who is against an idea (like a youtube video where you can vote up or down)
Guest almost 10 years ago in Ideas / Voting 15 Unlikely to implement