The term "proxy vote" is not intuitive, which I believe is the reason some folks end up not using it. I would like to change it for "Voting on behalf of a client".
Anna Bittencourt
about 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
It would be great if each user on the idea portal had the option to rank the priority of their ideas with restrictions preventing them from marking everything as most important. Using this data you could provide a value to each idea prioritization...
Jessica Wagner
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
portal users can obviously vote on any idea but there needs to be a feature that forces them to rank/prioritize the ideas they have voted on so they get to play their own product manager and make the tough calls on which of their ideas is most imp...
Amod P
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
Provide permissions to reviewers to be able to add proxy votes to ideas. Currently, they have no way to provide input on behalf of their customers or sales representations as they must request a contribute/owner to do this on their behalf. Very in...
Karie Kelly
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Already exists
Reviewer scoring of ideas for data driven prioritization
We want to be able to demonstrate to our stakeholders that we are using a data driven approach to prioritizing ideas. As different stakeholders have differing opinions, we want to be able to collect scoring across a set of parameters and be able t...
Ideas Reporting: Ability see more information about votes, esp. proxy votes
We rely on votes heavily in our Ideas Portal to track interest, and have been using the new Proxy Votes functionality. It would be great if there were more columns available for vote information in Ideas reporting (like the list view), such as an ...
Maria Plotkina
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
Proxy Voting - Ability to configure to make proxy voting the only option available
Make proxy voting the only option available so that sales teams cannot vote on asks for themselves, but instead on behalf of accounts and then be able to collect that information for each vote.
Laura Giles
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
It would be great if we could use proxy voting on a public facing ideas portal but have the proxy voting display only for internal users (i.e., like a private comment). Our use case is that we run a system with multiple versions of an application ...
Elizabeth Wakefield
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Unlikely to implement
Zendesk integration sends organization and additional info
When using the zendesk integration to submit ideas into Aha, the integration creates a proxy vote correctly using the Zendesk filer's email address. But the integration does not populate the organization and comments. This forces us to go back to ...
Shri Iyer
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
I really appreciate the ability to bulk update proxy organizations, but it is unfortunate that I have to then add the business team that is working with the account manually. I would like faster ways to get 5+ users associated with an account atta...
Yancey Larochelle-Williams
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration