Improve Salesforce/Slack integration to reduce noise of ideas submission
When submitting an idea through Salesforce, we get three notifications to slack via our Aha integration for each part (vote, link to salesforce, and organization relation) compared to a merging of them to a single message, reducing noise to the ch...
Allow configuration of the Slack notifications by CRUD action.
I would like to only receive notification of new ideas, but currently I am notified of all updates to the fields I have selected.
We should be able to control whether the integration s...
Filter Slack notifications based on whether the idea is from an employee or a customer
We currently use the Slack integration to keep track on New ideas, Votes and Comments but it would be really helpful if we could filter the channel to only show customer ideas. This would make it easier to focus our attention on customer requests ...
We often get a lot of Slack updates as someone is editing a feature. It would be useful to introduce a small amount of delay to the process to allow these edits to be merged into a single update. For us removing the duplicate updates is probably m...
John Biltcliffe
over 5 years ago
in Slack
Comments made in Aha! would show up in slack, and comments made in slack would be persisted in Aha!. This way, instantaneous conversations would be mediated by Aha! and keep important conversation with the records that they are related to. https:/...
Enable (via article/enhancement or both) custom Slack / commands to submit data two-way
Slack supports the configuration of custom "/" commands. It would be an interesting way to submit data if we could instruct or enhance such that you could (as an example) do:
/ahafeature <data>
to submit a feature directly from a Slack chann...