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Ability to pull data from public repositories on Github

As an open source company, we track hundreds of projects hosted by Github, many of which we do not own or administer. We would benefit from a Github integration that allows us to track public Github repositories. There is no need to update the rep...
Guest over 6 years ago in GitHub 0 Will not implement

Change GIT Integration to Separate from Human Comments

Right now all GIT commits (with task IDs) are populating the human comments. Ideally, this would be in a separate list, so there's not so much noise in the comments.
Guest over 6 years ago in GitHub 1 Unlikely to implement

Github Integration - Import issues in reverse

As a new client I setup the Github 2.0 integration and imported our existing issues as features. I now have a large task of organising them all from the the parking lot and would find it easier and more intuitive if the IDs of the Aha! features wa...
Guest over 6 years ago in GitHub 0 Will not implement

Fix Github Integration action buttons / support custom name

currently the github integration supports multiple repositories for a project, however I cannot distinguish between repositories in the action buttons , Use the repository name: Send to githuborg/reponame or support custom int...
Gabo Esquivel almost 8 years ago in GitHub 3 Already exists