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Ability to Integrate Ideas with Jira Service Desk

What is the challenge? I am using a Jira Service Desk to capture new product and project requests and would like to use the Aha! Ideas for review and prioritization before sending to a specific Aha! Product Workspace. What is the impact? Today I h...
Matt L 5 months ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Including Dependencies in Jira integration at requirements/story level

We have been really enjoying the newer ability to include dependencies for features in our Aha-Jira integration, but are running into the issue not getting the same level of transparency for the user stories - to combat this, we would like the abi...
Trey S almost 3 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Ability to see more than the last 200 logs in Aha-Jira Integrations

Sometimes we need to investigate synchronisation errors between Aha! and Jira. We can find these errors long after an initial error might have happened. We might need to go back to the original error which may have happened months ago. The limitat...
Guest over 4 years ago in Jira 2 Future consideration

Add more filters to integrations import

Who would benefit? aha admins What impact would it make? keeping Aha in sync with JIRA on the release. This would also help other internal stakeholders informed. How should it work? The integrations import desperately needs additional filtering cr...
Shri Iyer 10 months ago in Jira 0 Already exists

Support mapping JIRA Tempo Account field

When using the JIRA Tempo plugin to track work time, it is useful to link issues to Accounts - for this the plugin exposes a custom field named Account. This field, formerly called Billing Key, is used among others in reporting, to decide which cu...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Jira 8 Unlikely to implement

Auto Resend all Fields per release

Right now, even after we manually click "Send to JIRA" for the first time for a release, subsequent changes to that release ( for eg. Addition of a feature under that release) do not automatically go through to JIRA. We'd want to have all changes ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Jira 2 Future consideration

Have users in Jira and Aha matched for comments, updates etc

I realise this is not Aha's fault, but if we put the issue here with more info, users will be more likely to go to Jira to vote for the issue there. Currently whenever someone comments on an issue in Jira, in appears in Aha as a comment from the p...
Guest over 9 years ago in Comments / Notifications / Jira 1 Unlikely to implement

Ability to create JIRA integration thorough Aha API

We have teams with several projects and creating it through templates is not practically scalable, hence require an API to create JIRA integration manually
Guest about 7 years ago in Jira 3 Future consideration

Provide error if the Jira webhook "Exclude body" checkbox is selected

When configuring a webook in Jira, there is a checkbox: ☐ "Exclude body" Request with empty body will be sent to the URL. Leave unchecked if you want to receive JSON. If someone accidentally checks that, Aha! won't get any updates. There is no log...
Emily Yankush almost 2 years ago in Jira 0 Planning to implement

Map one Aha release to several Jira projects

We have several Jira projects aiming towards the same release. When importing fixVersions from several Jira project to one product in Aha we get one release for each project/integration in Aha. This means that if we have 10 projects aiming for the...
Guest about 6 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration