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Showing 171

Map one Aha release to several Jira projects

We have several Jira projects aiming towards the same release. When importing fixVersions from several Jira project to one product in Aha we get one release for each project/integration in Aha. This means that if we have 10 projects aiming for the...
Guest over 6 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Notification when an integration is down

Would like to see some way of setting user(s) to be notified if there is an interruption in communication between integrated system.
Guest over 1 year ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Custom scorecard components/elements are available for reports but NOT for integrations.

We actually would like to display the individual pieces that comes our WSJF scorecard for our initiatives in Aha. Right now, I can pull the individual scores into an Aha report, but I'm not able to send the same data to JIRA. We use dashboards in ...
Wen-Wen Lin over 5 years ago in Jira 3 Future consideration

Automatically push Epics/Features in Aha! to JIRA

What is the challenge? As a product manager using Aha!, I want to be able to create an Epic or Feature and have it automatically push to JIRA (even it's a shell that is not definition complete), so that it is represented on the JIRA board where I ...
CJ Jacobs 7 months ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Flag a broken JIRA integration to the Aha! admin so it can be resolved

What is the challenge? As an Aha! admin, I want to ensure the JIRA to Aha! integration flags errors to me proactively (via email would be great), so that errors in the integration setup can be immediately addressed. What is the impact? As an Aha! ...
CJ Jacobs 7 months ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Automatically create/update Notification Groups based on location hierarchy

I have a JIRA 2.0 integration setup for one of my workspaces. When I push over an Epic containing Features and Requirements, the Features are linked to the Epic but the Requirements are not linked to the Feature. So in JIRA, you can easily see how...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Ability to select only one user from the "User Field" custom field

Currently the "User Field" (custom field) in Aha! allows you to select one or more Aha! users. It would be useful to have a "User Field" whereby a user can only select one user. This is important for us, as one of our User Fields sycnhronises wi...
Guest about 5 years ago in Account settings / Jira 1 Future consideration

Support for Jira Code Markup

Need to support the Jira code markup option. If the developer enters sample code as part of the description in Jira, the description gets updated in Aha! However the code markup is translated into very large tables in Aha! At some point, Aha! upda...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Jira 2 Future consideration

Allow requirements to be associated with the release record

The Problem: Jira requires each User Story type to have a Fix Version associated with it, similar to the Epic. The Epic will have Stories with various Fix Version ( the User Stories don’t inherit the Epic Fix Version as story releases are weekly o...
Guest over 5 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Please Add a Setting to Turn Off the Automatic Imports of Unlinked Jira User Stories

I believe that the way integration is currently implemented is based on a faulty assumption, e.g. that customers want all user stories created in an integrated Jira project and board to be sync'd to Aha!. We'd much prefer that this not be the ca...
Doug Wilson almost 5 years ago in Jira 1 Future consideration