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Excel Transfer to Jira

Who would benefit? Developers What impact would it make? Better requirements How should it work? Excel transfer to Jira because Jira does not support merged cells
Guest about 1 year ago in Jira 1 Unlikely to implement

Align release with Jira sprints

Have the option in the integration settings to sync release with sprints in Jira There is no current way to represent a sprint in Aha yet that is how most people develop these days Currently whenever I move features between releases I have to manu...
Guest over 3 years ago in Jira 0 Unlikely to implement

Add support for Jira transition webhooks

Jira has two kinds of webhooks: Event webhooks that are triggered when a Jira event happens, for example an issue is updated. This is supported by the Aha! Jira integration Transition webhooks that are triggered when a Jira issue changes status. T...
Guest about 4 years ago in Jira 0 Unlikely to implement

"Do you want to sync features as well?" (for Jira/Aha integration)

In my organization we need to sync features and releases in Aha to two different Jira projects. One project receives 100% of the features and releases - perfect 1:1 sync. But the other project is only for features that rely on the design team. So ...
Byrne Reese over 4 years ago in Jira 3 Unlikely to implement

Allow for Delete of Jira Issue

Sometimes it is difficult to keep Jira and Aha Requirements up to date when/if a requirement is deleted. I'd like to see a Mapping that is allow to delete and you can select which direction that can occur.
Kenny Burnham over 5 years ago in Jira 2 Unlikely to implement

Update JIRA integration when feature ranking changes in Aha

I have a Aha to JIRA integration set up which allows me to prioritise features in Aha by a combination of Rank and Score. We frequently re-prioritise cards in Aha (therefore changing the rank) but this doesn't trigger an update in JIRA. I rarely c...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Jira 6 Unlikely to implement

Merge Custom Fields into One Field when they are carried over from Idea to Feature

At idea stage you capture information about the idea in multiple fields, when you promote this to a feature if this information was merged into one 'Body' field, then I would save time not having to copy and paste those fields into one field. Ha...
Guest about 6 years ago in Jira 0 Unlikely to implement

JIRA integration: support mapping of “Release name” into custom field

Mapping of “Release name” towards custom fields in JIRA integration instead of “fixed version” or “affected version” only currently the AHA-Jira integration only allows a mapping of "release name" values in either "fix version" or "affects versio...
Florian Kette over 6 years ago in Jira 1 Unlikely to implement

Integration Updates > Send Changes > Add Release filter & Status filter

On the Aha! Integration Updates screen for an Aha! to/from Jira Integration, I would like to see which releases and the status of what each of the items are for integration. Being offered these filters would allow me to select that before importin...
Guest over 6 years ago in Jira 1 Unlikely to implement

Aha should support multiple "types" in Jira (epic, bug, use case, tasks) in one single Aha query

Hortonworks uses following Types in Jira application: Epic, New feature, PRD, Tasks, Doc. Currently, we have to create multiple queries using Development tool in order to bring the above Jira tickets to Aha. Requirement: The query should bring a...
Guest over 6 years ago in Jira 0 Unlikely to implement