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Showing 171

Map one Aha release to several Jira projects

We have several Jira projects aiming towards the same release. When importing fixVersions from several Jira project to one product in Aha we get one release for each project/integration in Aha. This means that if we have 10 projects aiming for the...
Guest over 6 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Provide alternative way to match users when email address is not exposed in Jira

Some time ago, Atlassian made changes that requires users to share their email addresses on an individual user profile setting. When that option is not checked, Aha! is not able to view their email address and if assigned user is mapped, is not ab...
Madeleine Black over 2 years ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Show custom field names on integration errors

When there's an integration sync error with Jira on a custom field, Aha shows something like this: 'customfield_19011': Please fill out required fields The identifier 19011 has no meaning to us, as Aha doesn't expose a mapping of our custom field ...
Brian Trombley over 3 years ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Ability to see more than the last 200 logs in Aha-Jira Integrations

Sometimes we need to investigate synchronisation errors between Aha! and Jira. We can find these errors long after an initial error might have happened. We might need to go back to the original error which may have happened months ago. The limitat...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Jira 2 Future consideration

Support updating JIRA Integration Links by csv upload

While I recognise that moving JIRA issues between projects breaks the AHA integration links, the workarounds proposed here are not helpful. Option 1 ("Relink each record manually") is the only viable workaround, with options 2 and 3 being too haza...
Garret Duffy almost 2 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Sync story points to Jira without Capacity Planning

My teams doesn't use capacity planning, as we have the same team members each week, but we'd like to be able to automatically link story points to Jira. Currently this is only accomplishable when you have enabled capacity planning, which causes me...
Michael Clinton over 8 years ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Update API integrations with JIRA to add Created Date and Resolved Date

We would like to be able to map the created date as well as the resolved date to fields within aha from JIRA.
Guest over 3 years ago in API / Jira 1 Future consideration

Ability to create a report of integration errors across multiple workspaces

Currently the only way to look at the integration errors across multiple workspaces is to bring up the Integration Updates dialog and use the Send outgoing changes tab. But you can't filter on error text, or expand the window to see the everything...
Jor Bratko over 3 years ago in Jira 5 Future consideration

Custom scorecard components/elements are available for reports but NOT for integrations.

We actually would like to display the individual pieces that comes our WSJF scorecard for our initiatives in Aha. Right now, I can pull the individual scores into an Aha report, but I'm not able to send the same data to JIRA. We use dashboards in ...
Wen-Wen Lin over 5 years ago in Jira 3 Future consideration

Ability to select only one user from the "User Field" custom field

Currently the "User Field" (custom field) in Aha! allows you to select one or more Aha! users. It would be useful to have a "User Field" whereby a user can only select one user. This is important for us, as one of our User Fields sycnhronises wi...
Guest about 5 years ago in Account settings / Jira 1 Future consideration