Where Aha! helps u in managing the product priorities, Trello helps us in managing each person's priorities. We are using Trello to share individual queues and priorities with the team, and therefore, would like for Aha! tasks to have an option of...
Hiten Mistry
over 10 years ago
in Trello
Will not implement
We are currently using the Aha.io and pivotal tracker integration to help seed our product roadmap into the engineering team's workflow. This has been great so far but the one biggest points of friction is trying to keep track of the features that...
Suzanne Vaughan
over 10 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Will not implement
You currently allow users to upload content from both DropBox and
GoogleDrive. Being the Product Manager for Copy, all of my collateral is
in there. https://developers.copy.com/
Filter which JIRA issues get reflected back to Aha!
Aha! allows product managers to stay at the 40k foot level, while JIRA is used by our development team, which means it contains lots of small implementation details. If all the bugs and tasks being logged by my developers in JIRA reflect back into...
Ely Greenfield
over 10 years ago
in Jira
Already exists
When sending a Feature to JIRA, automatically move the new JIRA epic/story into the JIRA project's Backlog
When we sync Aha! Features into JIRA, we're ready to begin planning sprints that will include the resulting JIRA epics/stories. Extend the JIRA integration so when new epics/stories are created from Aha!, automatically move them into the JIRA proj...
Our support team has adopted uservoice as our support platform. They're using this to collect feedback on the product. It'd be great if we could integrate this into Aha's own ideas list
over 10 years ago
in Wanted
Unlikely to implement
DropTask is a project management tool from the same team as Trello. So, just like Trello it'd be handy to push tasks to and pull tasks from it. Basically I'm just putting this on your radar. We're just starting to investigate it ourselves. Here's ...
Deleting a feature or requirement should delete the linked Jira issue(s)
When I delete a feature or a requirement in Aha!, I then have to go to Jira and delete the corresponding epic or story. Would love it if deleting a feature in Aha! deleted the linked epic in Jira and all stories for that epic. Likewise, deleting a...
over 10 years ago
in Jira
Will not implement