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Set the TFS Iteration and Area path per feature or requirement

Having a single area path for the entire product doesn't make sense. This value will usually depend on the feature, as area paths define the area of code impacted by a work item. This helps with evaluating code churn and test coverage. It needs to...
Jonathon Leeke over 9 years ago in Integrations 6 Already exists

Delete trello card associations less aggressively

When a user is working on a feature in Aha that is linked to a Trello card, if she accidentally changes the release for this feature to the release of a different product (e.g. the Demo Fredwin cycling product), the trello linkage is immediately d...
Angus Davis over 9 years ago in Trello 0 Unlikely to implement

Integration with Collabnet Our development team uses Collabnet and as much as I would like to convince them to use Jira I do not think that is a realistic possibility, so this is a request for Aha to integrate with Collabnet.
Guest over 9 years ago in Wanted 0 Will not implement

Salesforce integration without permission set

Currently, the Salesforce / integration requires using a permission set. A System Administrator must assign individual users in Salesforce to this permission set, in order for them to use the ideas portal. That's a fine approach, but...
Angus Davis over 9 years ago in Salesforce 1 Unlikely to implement

Two-way integration with Redmine

Two-way integration with Redmine.
Chris Waters over 9 years ago in Integrations 9 Future consideration

Two-way integration with Bugzilla

Two-way integration with Bugzilla
Chris Waters over 9 years ago in Integrations 4 Will not implement

Setup integrations on Product Lines

It would be very nice to setup our pivotal tracker integration on a product line. That way if a ticket moves between products in that product line it retains the integration that was configured for it.
Jason Novek over 9 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 3 Unlikely to implement

When I move a feature to the parking lot in Aha, it should move to the icebox if it exists in Pivotal

Most sprints priorities will change a little bit as time goes on and it will be appropriate to remove a ticket that was added previously. Likewise, if a sprint is over subscribed some tickets may roll over into the next sprint. When this happens, ...
Jason Novek over 9 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 0 Will not implement

Tags should propagate bidirectionally into Pivotal Tracker

Much like status, it would be nice if tags on features would propagate instantly to stories in PT bidirectionally. We have historically used PT labels to organize aspects of our sprint. It would be nice to setup initial tags in Aha and have those ...
Jason Novek over 9 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 2 Will not implement

Target Process

Integration with Target Process
Brian de Haaff over 9 years ago in Integrations / Wanted 12 Unlikely to implement