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Link to Salesforce record through Aha

I understand it’s possible to link a Salesforce case, account, or opportunity to an Aha! Idea. It would be much more convenient to go the other way around so that you can link an Aha! Idea to Salesforce through Aha. That would prevent us from havi...
Guest about 7 years ago in Integrations 1 Future consideration

Integration with VersionOne

Bi-lateral sync with VersionOne
Guest about 8 years ago in Integrations 0 Unlikely to implement

Git commit messages separated from comments

Github integration messages in comments is great for smaller stories, but for anything non-trivial it becomes very easy to lose meaningful comments in the middle of a commit barrage. It would be very useful to have these either separated, or group...
Guest about 9 years ago in GitHub 1 Will not implement

Choose the product on the integration with Zendesk

When you have multiple products in Zendesk it would be nice of you could select the product to link to by default, or change the order of the products in the drop down list. This prevents mistakes are made by the support agents.
Jeroen Geerbex over 9 years ago in Integrations 4 Future consideration

Pivotal Tracker: Send releases to PT

We are currently using the and pivotal tracker integration to help seed our product roadmap into the engineering team's workflow. This has been great so far but the one biggest points of friction is trying to keep track of the features that...
Suzanne Vaughan over 10 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 4 Will not implement

Sync owner field from Aha! to Pivotal Tracker

Synchronisation of the owner field. Stories created in Pivotal Tracker should have the corresponding owner on the Pivotal Tracker side. That can be determined based on e-mail, your team confirmed that it is possible. Priority 2 of 4
Guest over 10 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 2 Will not implement

The ability to review previously ignored integration candidates and undo the ignore

What is the challenge? Once you ignore an integration candidate, it is ignored forever unless you manually import or link the ignored record. If someone ignores a record by mistake there is no recourse to review those potential errors and correct ...
Stephanie Lechner 4 months ago in Jira 4 Future consideration

Change revision history descriptors for text field updates

It seems that some fields when updated via integration show a descriptor as XYZ changed integration link for Capability..123". This can be found in some values fields. Other fields like description simply state " XYZ updated the capability 123". T...
Karla Johnson over 2 years ago in Rally 1 Future consideration

Sync contact names in Salesforce integration

The names of the people we do business with is very important. The Salesforce integration should sync the contact names of our clients in Salesforce with the Ideas portal to enure consistancy and data consistancy.
Daniel Lynch about 3 years ago in Salesforce 0 Future consideration

Update records on all integrations linked to a template at one time

We anticipate having 150+ integrations based on a template (with the Rally integration). In order to add fields to the integrations, we edit the template and those updates/new fields flow to the individual integrations based on the template, howev...
Elaine Edwards about 5 years ago in Rally 2 Future consideration