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Create/update watchers in Aha!/Rally and have that flow to Rally/Aha!

No description provided
Guest over 8 years ago in Rally 0 Unlikely to implement

Move a feature to another product line after feature has been sent to Rally

No description provided
Guest over 8 years ago in Rally 0 Unlikely to implement

Create/update comments in Aha! with Notes from Rally

No description provided
Guest over 8 years ago in Rally 0 Unlikely to implement

Provide the ability to map multiple ticket types to requirements

We are hooking Features into Epics, and discussing with development and the rest of the product team, the individual enhancements, new features, and tasks that are required to be performed for the "Epic" to be completed. Aha/Jira integration only ...
Guest over 8 years ago in Jira 3 Already exists

One Product, Multiple Projects in Pivotal Tracker

A lot of our features have multiple components that correspond to different projects in Pivotal Tracker. Right now I can only sync my product with a single project in PT, which means I don't get to take much advantage of the integration. I keep a...
Guest over 8 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 1 Already exists

Organizational Change Management and Stakeholder Alignment (Aligning People to your Process and Technology)

As a product owner at a large company I spend a lot of time managing organizational change management with 100+ stakeholders. We present out demos every 2 weeks to core stakeholders, we demo to a larger team every 6 weeks and pull functionality in...
Guest over 8 years ago in Wanted 0 Already exists

Include Salesforce idea requests in global Aha search

Currently we can view the Salesforce requests linked to Aha ideas by clicking on the idea and scrolling down to "Requests" but it would be very useful to include the "Requested by" and "Requested for" in the Aha global search. Currently if I wan...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Integrations 1 Unlikely to implement

Support authenticated attachments in Zendesk

Settings->Tickets in Zendesk and see if under attachments you have "Require authentication to download." enabled?
Guest almost 9 years ago in Integrations 0 Will not implement

Features linked to JIRA tickets should have JIRA in control of status

When I have a feature linked to a JIRA and a few requirements also linked to JIRAs my expected result is that fields linked with JIRA are controlled by the data in JIRA. For example, if I close all of the requirements within the feature but the JI...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Jira 0 Unlikely to implement

Tracking products in SFDC

I should be able to track a product release in Salesforce. For example, I am in the middle of creating a new product, "Marker". I have already began to market my new product, so customers keep asking my salespeople when will it be ready? I want...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Integrations 0 Unlikely to implement