Bulk action or REST API for linking existing ideas to Salesforce records
We plan to migrate hundreds of requests from another system into Aha idea portal.
We want to maintain the link between those ideas and our Salesforce accounts.
According to Aha support, this needs to be done manually via Salesforce UI, go into ea...
over 5 years ago
in Salesforce
Already exists
Integration with Jira: Ability to filter imported Jira releases/versions by date
Integration with Jira: Ability to filter imported Jira releases/versions by date
Problem: A lot of manual clean up is required when integrating with Jira projects that have many past releases. There is no functionality to filter out old releases. ...
A user should be able to create an idea in Aha directly from Slack
Presently the status of ideas can be easily imported into Slack, but it would be less disruptive for teams who spend most of their time using Slack for idea genesis if they could summon a slash-action to create an idea in their integrated Aha inst...
The ability to retrieve options for single/multi selects using REST
When updating an item via the REST API it would be good to know what the possible values are for single/multi selects. This would also allow mapping the options to options in another system in an Aha! integration.
almost 6 years ago
in Integrations
Already exists
VSTS Integration - Error importing new records into Aha
As we are starting to use more and more Aha!, we are seeing errors while newly created records by Development team in VSTS being imported into Aha!. 2 main reasons for the errors include
Feature is not available for the user stories (Requirements...
When configuring a integration, in my case VSTS, Aha does not allow you to disable/delete the start date. Additionally, it only has a "one way" from Aha>Integration.
over 6 years ago
in Integrations
Already exists
I would like to know how the Original Estimate and Work Done fields are configured in Aha!. I have mapped (Jira)Total Story Points to (Aha!) Original Estimate and (Jira) Completed Story Points to (Aha!) Work Done. I'd like to know how to these pop...
when syncing master features and linked features to VSTS, have relationship between these items persist on the VSTS Side
Here is issue:
Create Epic in AHA
Create Feature in AHA, linked to Epic above
Sent Epic from AHA to VSTS
Sending Epic to VSTS does also automatically send the Feature from AHA to VSTS. However, the Epic and Feature in VSTS are not linked.
Include Rally IDs in Master Feature Search criteria
On the Master Features Board page in Aha, there is a filter called "Master Feature Search" that I use to find a particular master feature very quickly. The Master Features show the Rally integration number (e.g. EP1234) but you cannot search on th...
Dan Eisenhut
over 6 years ago
in Rally
Already exists