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Integration with Pendo

Pendo is a great tool that our company uses to see how our clients interact with our product. I'd love to be able to pull in some of the analytics of product use into Aha. For example, how many users are using this new feature we launched, etc.
Guest about 6 years ago in Integrations 2 Unlikely to implement

Showcase Github Comments in Separate Thread

Our QA team has a hard time seeing the story of a ticket due to all of commit messages. It would be nice if instead of appearing as just comments the Github commits appeared separately or were able to be be filtered out.
Guest about 6 years ago in GitHub 0 Unlikely to implement

Logical organization of files or file tags / labels for easy access

When I have more than 10 pages of files associated to a project the file area becomes difficult manage and almost impossible to find items. I have a couple of suggestions. File Tags if we could color code and tag files with keywords similar to...
Guest about 6 years ago in Wanted 0 Unlikely to implement

Merge Custom Fields into One Field when they are carried over from Idea to Feature

At idea stage you capture information about the idea in multiple fields, when you promote this to a feature if this information was merged into one 'Body' field, then I would save time not having to copy and paste those fields into one field. Ha...
Guest about 6 years ago in Jira 0 Unlikely to implement

JIRA integration: support mapping of “Release name” into custom field

Mapping of “Release name” towards custom fields in JIRA integration instead of “fixed version” or “affected version” only currently the AHA-Jira integration only allows a mapping of "release name" values in either "fix version" or "affects versio...
Florian Kette over 6 years ago in Jira 1 Unlikely to implement

Integration Updates > Send Changes > Add Release filter & Status filter

On the Aha! Integration Updates screen for an Aha! to/from Jira Integration, I would like to see which releases and the status of what each of the items are for integration. Being offered these filters would allow me to select that before importin...
Guest over 6 years ago in Jira 1 Unlikely to implement

Aha should support multiple "types" in Jira (epic, bug, use case, tasks) in one single Aha query

Hortonworks uses following Types in Jira application: Epic, New feature, PRD, Tasks, Doc. Currently, we have to create multiple queries using Development tool in order to bring the above Jira tickets to Aha. Requirement: The query should bring a...
Guest over 6 years ago in Jira 0 Unlikely to implement

Add batch API endpoints for Add, Update, and Delete interactions

As a heavy user of the REST APIs to aggregate and disseminate information across multiple systems, I would like to have a batch API endpoint for updating Features in order to avoid Throttling limitations in the existing one-update-at-a-time REST i...
Guest over 6 years ago in Integrations 2 Unlikely to implement

add NetIQ Access Manager by Micro Focus to INTEGRATIONS – SINGLE SIGN-ON

Our team at Micro Focus has created a generic SAML connector for Aha! that can be used with our product, NetIQ Access Manager. It can be downloaded from our catalog, Now, customers who us...
Guest over 6 years ago in Integrations 0 Unlikely to implement

Change GIT Integration to Separate from Human Comments

Right now all GIT commits (with task IDs) are populating the human comments. Ideally, this would be in a separate list, so there's not so much noise in the comments.
Guest over 6 years ago in GitHub 1 Unlikely to implement