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Link Aha! feature to an already existing pivotal story

It would benefit users who are trying to clean up a project that already exists. There may be information captured in pivotal that would be time-consuming to replicate.
Guest about 6 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 1 Will not implement

Allow fields from linked records to be mapped to integration fields

It would be useful to be able to map additional data from linked records when setting up integrations with my development system. For example, when configuring the feature field mapping I may want to pass over the initiative a feature is linked to...
Todd Meyer about 7 years ago in Integrations 0 Will not implement

Provide JIRA (and other) Integration Information in Account Backup

The account backup dump doesn't include any information about integrations and their related field values, features and master features.
Micah Mayo over 7 years ago in Integrations 1 Will not implement

API - support sending multiple parameters/values in search query

The API currently only accepts a single value search parameter. There is a requirement to be able to pass multiple parameters/values through the API. For example, execute a search through the API for features that contain 3 specific tag values.
Matt Case about 8 years ago in Integrations 1 Will not implement

Better error handling when Trello card to move across boards

It is common practice for teams to have multiple Trello Boards. For example, in our organization, we have our "current development" board with Next Up, In Progress, Awaiting Validation, Completed ... and but like any product organization, you do n...
Angus Davis over 9 years ago in Trello 0 Will not implement

Send Task to Trello

Where Aha! helps u in managing the product priorities, Trello helps us in managing each person's priorities. We are using Trello to share individual queues and priorities with the team, and therefore, would like for Aha! tasks to have an option of...
Hiten Mistry about 10 years ago in Trello 1 Will not implement

Integrate with Prezi!

Maybe this more of a product idea for Prezi team, but it would be very cool to be able to embed Aha! views and notebooks within a Prezi. Maybe there is already? The business value would be able to convey complex visual concepts (prezi) mixed with ...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Wanted 0 Will not implement

Add a context specific live chat

Slack is dope but I can't complete deliverables in slack If you gave me the ability to talk in aha live in real time with other people about specific stages of development I don't know if I would ever leave aha. Or just make it so that responses...
Guest over 7 years ago in Slack 1 Will not implement

Add support for JIRA panel formatting

Currently JIRA panel formatting is not supported. This results in Aha! turning panels into bullet point lists.
Danny Archer almost 9 years ago in Jira 0 Will not implement

Integration with Collabnet Our development team uses Collabnet and as much as I would like to convince them to use Jira I do not think that is a realistic possibility, so this is a request for Aha to integrate with Collabnet.
Guest over 9 years ago in Wanted 0 Will not implement