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My ideas: Integrations

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Slack support for public comments

What is the challenge? Our team works primarily from slack so the more functionality provided within Slack without use of other tools is key for adoption. What is the impact? Describe your idea In this case, we have a slack channel set up to alert...
Keith Davenport 20 days ago in Slack 0 Future consideration

Allow switching between integration templates if they are integrated with the same project

What is the challenge? As part of a migration, we are planning to change existing integrations and switch from using "Template A" to "Template B". The challenge is that "Template B" is not available for selection unless it is integrated with the s...
Dale Potter 20 days ago in Integrations 1 Planning to implement

Ability to save an entire thread as a comment with the Slack app

What is the challenge? Given that slack conversations are deleted periodically, it’d be cool to be able to summon the aha bot from a discussion thread and have it save the whole conversation to an Aha! record. That way the conversation can be refe...
Nathaniel Collum 22 days ago in Slack 0 Future consideration

Slack message when Idea is Created

What is the challenge? In Slack 2.0 integration there's no "Idea Created" option to send the idea to Slack when the user is creating idea. What is the impact? Large Describe your idea When configuring Slack message via the integration, please add ...
Shay Sagzan 24 days ago in Slack 0 Already exists

Automation rule to update already integrated records

Currently, automation rules provide the ability to send an Aha! record through an integration based on the record being updated in a specific way. We would like for the ability to push updates to already integrated records in the same way. This is...
Hank Liu 29 days ago in Integrations 0 Likely to implement

New "child" records not imported from Jira

What is the challenge? Records are being skipped in the Jira integration if they are linked to a parent record in another workspace. This happens specifically when the webhook to create the child record includes the parent record. What is the impa...
Dale Potter about 1 month ago in Jira 0 Planning to implement

Support Azure DevOps integrations for parent and child records across workspaces

What is the challenge? When a parent or a child record is moved to another workspace in Aha! it will no longer update via integrations due to the child and parent existing in different workspaces in Aha! What is the impact? Integrations break when...
Justin Paulson about 1 month ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Planning to implement

To Provide a search bar in Integration update page to search for records.

What is the challenge? Currently when we navigate to Integration updates to import any record which we need we need to manually navigate to multiple pages for accessing the required record to map with Aha! What is the impact? When the list of impo...
Guest about 1 month ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Record successful updates in Aha! from Jira "update records" action

What is the challenge? Currently, there are log events for successful updates made from Jira when using the "Update Records" action What is the impact? Users have no way of knowing which records were successfully updated and what fields were chang...
Stephanie Lechner about 1 month ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Support parent/child relationships for records integrated on different tools or instances

What is the challenge? Scenario 1: A parent initiative in Aha! is integrated with Jira instance 1 A child epic in Aha! is integrated with Jira instance 2 Scenario 2: A parent initiative in Aha! is integrated with Rally A child epic in Aha! is inte...
Dale Potter about 1 month ago in Integrations 0 Planning to implement