I would like Aha! ideas portal search to consider the Admin Response when searching for ideas.
Who would benefit? All Customers who are using Ideas Portal for submitting enhancement ideas and product team members who need to review and merge duplicate ideas What impact would it make? Will reduce the duplication of ideas by pulling up the mo...
Mark Slykhouse
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Do not count description template as text when that field is required on idea submission
Who would benefit? Those utilizing the "template" option in description fields on ideas (and likely features) who have surfaced that field in portals and made it required. What impact would it make? Currently, if you have a template added for your...
Maria Plotkina
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Allow Portal Users to switch already posted comments to private
Who would benefit? Aha customers with strict governance What impact would it make? Allows employees to correct their mistake if they posted a public comment that should be private How should it work? When viewing comments in the portal, allow port...
Angela Frey
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Ability for portal users to flag a comment as inappropriate
Who would benefit? Aha Customers with strict governance What impact would it make? Crowd-source moderation How should it work? When viewing comments in the portal, a portal user should be able to flag a comment as inappropriate. This would then tr...
Angela Frey
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Aha customers with strict governance What impact would it make? Enable control over commenting How should it work? In the absence of other comment moderation tools (I have voted for multiple ideas around this), at least allow me...
Angela Frey
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Idea portal comment review process - comments set to invisible until approved
Who would benefit? Aha Admins What impact would it make? Improved compliance with public comment standards How should it work? When a user submits a comment, have it set to invisible until an Aha Admin "accepts" the comment. In that review process...
Angela Frey
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Aha Admins and Requesters What impact would it make? Enable productive dialog when inappropriate comments are posted How should it work? Whan an Aha Admin clicks "delete" on a comment, the confirmation dialog should include a te...
Angela Frey
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Portal Administrators and Community What impact would it make? This would allow portal admins to ensure users are only able to vote once per idea rather than multiple times by registering more than one email address and/or corre...
David W
12 months ago
in User management
Future consideration
Option to highlight recently shipped ideas in the portal
Who would benefit? Ideas portal users and product managers. What impact would it make? More clearly show what has been delivered lately — without users needing to apply a status filter for "shipped." How should it work? An option to show a de...
Rose Smith
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Aha! Ideas Advanced customers utilizing custom ideas portal pages What impact would it make? Allow users engaging with an ideas portal to quickly link from one note to another How should it work? I would like to be able to add l...
Justin Waldorf
almost 1 year ago
in Ideas portal / Notes
Future consideration