I want to add a multi-select custom field to the ideas portal but I can't currently do so. We use the Ideas Portal as a mechanism for internal people to request new features they need for client implementations and need a multiselect so they can c...
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Be able to choose from users across idea portals when changing the idea creator
This surfaced as being useful when a user manually added an idea for someone that they received via email and wanted to change who the idea was created by. When they went to change this, they were confused as to the available set of portal users t...
Matt Case
about 9 years ago
in User management
Already exists
Inherit branding and settings from another ideas portal
I have separate ideas portals for different products, as not all users/partners should be able to access information for all products, and I need to give them access on product level. It would be great if I could share settings of portals between ...
about 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Will not implement
Create a new user type that can edit certain areas of AHA
It would be a benefit if a user only had edit access on an area of AHA but read access on the rest of AHA, please can this be updated. I'd expect this type of user to be a paid user but maybe not as much as a full user.
about 9 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Ideas Portal custom fields that are only visible to Employees/Partners or higher
Currently (as far as I can see) you can only set custom fields in the Ideas Portal to be public (all logged in users) or private (AHA users). There isn't the ability to hide a field from the public and only show it to Employees/Partners or AHA use...
Andrew Badge
about 9 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
This would create a portal user type that cannot submit or vote on ideas but can access the portal to view all ideas that have been submitted. We have many types of users that we would not want submitting ideas, but the ability for those user type...
about 9 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Currently when deactivating a user, the user then becomes 'greyed' out. This isn't readily obvious due to coloring, resolution, etc.
Suggestion is to clearly annotate the user with a Joe Smith - Deactivated or something similar
Joe Carpenter
about 9 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Webhook data from Ideas is split in two messages and is missing Category and custom fields
When a new Idea is added in the Ideas Portal, we get 2 separate "added idea" HTTP requests. The first only contains the Description field. The second contains the Name field and a few other fields. This makes it very difficult to take an action in...
about 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement