Option to one button click to expose epics to Idea Portals to get market feedback (especially for parking lot epics)
As a Product Manager, I want to copy an existing epic and paste it in the customer-facing Idea Portal so that I can get customer feedback on it in the form of votes.
The why:
For many existing epics that are residing in the Parking Lot, it would b...
over 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
I'm a Product Owner but I'm also the admin of our Aha account. When I post a comment, I'm doing so as the Product Owner, but the users of the idea portal see the comment as coming from ADMIN. To improve credibility and consistency, I would rather ...
Tom Beck
over 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Idea Portals need a "Clear All" or other way to see all ideas after searching
Right now, if I search for something in my idea portals it is not obvious how to get back to the full list of ideas. The only method is by clicking on the Aha! logo. I've had it happen that when I log in the idea list is empty or truncated, I gues...
over 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
As a PM I would like to add badging capabilities to give incentive to external customers and prospective customers to submit new ideas and comment on existing ideas logged in AHA.
Offering extrernal ideation is worthless if people do not use the tool. If AHA provides comanies a way to reward end users through regonition for contributions based on volume, quality of detail, implemention success or other criteria users will b...
Karla Carpenter
over 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Would like the ability to reset passwords on behalf of a portal user
This would be helpful as we have just implemented an ideas portal and a lot of users have had trouble setting a password as the only method to create a password is using the Forgot Password link. It would be helpful as an administrator if i could ...
Dale Micallef
over 8 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Pop up messages.Priority messages on both GoTrex and Webagent
It would be good to be able to place a 'Post it note' or priority message on both systems when a client has made an important request (eg, please do not discuss my claim/sensitive information with my employer/broker/family) It would be really usef...
over 8 years ago
in Voting
Will not implement
Be able to search the "tags" on Ideas on the Idea Portal
currently the search capability only searches the titles of the ideas, it would be helpful to also be able to have it search the customized tags as well.
over 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Ability to add Idea portal at the product line level
This way I have one place to look for ideas and one place to update and configure the portal. There's too much going on if I have an ideas portal for each product and too many places I need to go to update categories if I have one that touches all...
over 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Ability to turn off notifications when adding new ideas portal users
I am adding users before the ideas portal is enabled but right now there is no way to turn off notifications when the users are created ... we should be able to have the option to turn off notifications or only send notifications when the portal i...
Michel Besner
over 8 years ago
in User management
Already exists