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Ideas portal

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Survey Customers

We currently use Checkbox to prompt our users to answer specific questions based on the webpage they are on in our product. We'd prefer to use Aha Ideas Portal as our one solution to gather ideas and canvas product users.
Diane Tinney over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Shipped

Report of ideas portal settings and workspaces

We look to run a report which reflects Idea Portal linked to a workspace and if it is enabled. There is no report currently available for viewing the information.
Guest about 3 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Shipped

Ability to disable email notification replies being added as comments

Aha! send’s an email notification to the Portal Users that created an idea when it’s status is changed, which is Great! If a user replies to the email notification, their reply is added as a public comment on the idea. (which is stated in the emai...
Tyson Kretschmer over 5 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Shipped

One Idea Portal for all products

Create one Ideia Portal for a product line and allow to associate an idea to a Product of this product line.
Guest about 10 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Shipped

Ability to change terminology in ideas portal for remaining labels: "Recent", "Trending", "Popular", "Sign Out"

The ability to change the terminology used on the ideas portal is really powerful but I would like the ability to modify a few remaining labels. This will help for further personalisation or even when changing the text labels to a different langua...
Justin Woods over 8 years ago in Branding 2 Shipped

Ability to manage/modify default field on idea form

Ability to manage/modify default field on idea form. As an Aha user, I can go into account/configure idea portals/terminology to change the terminology of Ideas form field, however, i cannot turn it off or make it REQUIRED to force idea submitters...
Will Kuo over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Shipped

Idea Portal - make "Please add more details" section required (or configurable to be required)

Problem: I would like to make the adding an idea in our idea portal comprehensive, but when viewing the idea in Aha, I only see the "Your idea" as the title and the "Please add more details" section in the main view, then any custom fields that I ...
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Shipped

Single Signon using OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect ( is the modern variant of SAML, and should be supported for SSO login for aha itself as well as for idea portals. OIDC is simpler to setup than SAML, and it is possible that a wider range of Identity Prov...
Jørgen Binningsbø over 7 years ago in User management 3 Shipped

Integrate with SalesForce for the organizations and contacts used for proxy voting

We use SalesForce to manage all our customer contacts (like many businesses). I would like to be able to have the list of organizations and contacts stay up-to-date with the companies and contacts our sales and account management teams manage in S...
Mat Jennings over 4 years ago in Voting 2 Shipped

Add Idea Portal/Form Support for Custom table fields and custom record types

Karen Maslowski confirmed that: "Custom table fields and custom record types (listed as Aha! record relationships in the custom fields section) are not available for use in the ideas portal." We use a custom table field for tracking our customers ...
Tony Lopez over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 8 Shipped