Currently the Idea Portal has 3 levels of portal idea visibility: Internal only Employee and Internal only All users. It be great if we can add "Advisory Board" or "Elevated Users" (or other better suiting term) which basically would have a visibi...
Chris Eichermüller
about 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Configure the Ideas Portal to show all Idea fields (even when there is no data)
While the fields are not required within our Ideas Form, we want to be able to see all the fields under the Idea Portal even when there is no data. We should be able to view exactly the same fields within our Portal that is built under our custom ...
Victoria Morrella
about 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
automatically add changed Idea Creator as idea Watcher
Currently we have the ability to change the Idea Creator. Unfortunately, the newly assigned Idea Creator is automatically de...
Brian W
about 4 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Allow creation of new entries in Many to One custom table
I want to build some automation and routing of ideas based on the category, but if someone accidentally selects more than one category, it would break things. It would be nice if I had an option to allow multiple categories, or restrict it to one ...
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
It would be great if the search in ideas would be fulltext so also searches for the names and companies of the people putting in the ideas, because I want to find all ideas for a specific customer currently this is impossible.
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Capture and add attributes (Labels) to users names
We want to be able to measure over time how engaged specific user groups are when using Aha! and then use that to information to show utilisation. So for example I want to show a report that shows week by week how many Programme Managers who have ...
Andrew Brooks
over 4 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Add an optional user-persona property to all portal-users.
Because user-persona is critical to our idea analysis and in general our portal users are intrinsically a specific user-person, I would like to be able to associate a portal user with a user-persona so that they never have to or get to pick user-p...
over 4 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Ability to change identity provider when adding a new user.
We need the ability for none admins to select the identity provider when adding a user to an Aha org. When we create users from the feature board using the "invite and assign user" the user is always created defaulting to the internal Active Direc...
over 4 years ago
in User management
Future consideration