We have a workflow where newly created ideas are submitted in a 'New' status. If the idea is unclear we update the statis to 'Need More Information" and we expect the submitter to provide additional information through public comments on the idea ...
Nicolas Andrillon
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We have multiple types of work request that come in to our teams. The Brand new Ideas, the request for additional support, Test Data Requests, Test Support Request, Security Request Support, Estimate only request. These requ...
Penny Gerstner
about 2 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
We have number of various pages in our Ideas portal where we collect ideas from the rest of the company. In these pages, we aro also maintaining ideas report, FAQs and other Aha! dashboards that we are actively promoting within the company. It wou...
about 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Allow customizing the Ideas Portal Emails From Address
Emails sent from the ideas portal have a From address of support@aha.io
The from address should be customizable to be branded just like the reply-to address. If my company domain name is example.com, I want to have the from email address be somet...
almost 9 years ago
in Branding
Unlikely to implement
Ideas Portal Sort By Should Allow User To Sort By A Standard Or Custom Column Value And Configure Default
What is the challenge? Want to be able to have more direct control over the sort order ideas are shown in on the portal. What is the impact? This would provide a much more consistent view of the ideas in the portal. Describe your idea Specifically...
Eric Masur
2 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Zendesk integration sends organization and additional info
When using the zendesk integration to submit ideas into Aha, the integration creates a proxy vote correctly using the Zendesk filer's email address. But the integration does not populate the organization and comments. This forces us to go back to ...
Shri Iyer
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
Idea portal comments cannot be edited by their author. This functionality would be useful to prevent having to add an additional comment to make corrections/amendments.
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Currently, there is no way to bulk edit users for portal users. As an administrator, I have to perform everyday actions such as Unsubscribe, disable, delete, edit to these users one at a time.
David Willequer
over 2 years ago
in User management
Likely to implement
Enable one-to-many custom field table to be added to ideas portal 'Idea view' layout
We want to use a custom table to track decisions relating to ideas in a structured way, and communicate them back to the idea submitter, without using unstructured comments. One-to-many custom tables are not available to add to the 'Idea view' lay...
Navin Rahman
2 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Show ideas created by me as an Aha User or when logged into the portal
What is the challenge? When I go the ideas portal and select 'My Ideas', I can only see ideas I created as a portal user. I cannot see ideas I created within the Aha interface as an Aha user. What is the impact? I'm not able to see all the ideas I...
Eliza Crawford
2 months ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists