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Ideas portal

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Allow Full Customization of Email Template

As I lead design + product at my company, I'd love to be able to have full control over the contents of the email templates that are sent via Aha. Currently the content is injected into what seems to be a pre-existing template and the large logo i...
Guest over 5 years ago in Branding 7 Future consideration

Like idea comment

It would avoid redundant comments if we could simply 'Like' comments. A Like counter would indicate how many others sympathized with the point made. It would be ideal to see who else liked the comment.
Melissa Johnson over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Ideas portal should show names for votes not photos

users rarely have cute picture for their user photo when i look at who voted on an idea all i see is the same default user icon repeated many times, it looks like the unabomber voted for an idea 8 times the names are there, but i have to hover ove...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Future consideration

Ideas Portal custom fields that are only visible to Employees/Partners or higher

Currently (as far as I can see) you can only set custom fields in the Ideas Portal to be public (all logged in users) or private (AHA users). There isn't the ability to hide a field from the public and only show it to Employees/Partners or AHA use...
Andrew Badge about 9 years ago in User management 4 Future consideration

Customizable Order of Idea Categories

Customizable ordering of categories would allow me put categories in an order that works for me, such as by priority or significance. Case in point: I want a catch-all called "Other" but it shows up in the middle of my list, not at the bottom wher...
Tom Beck over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 5 Future consideration

Disable voting for ideas in specific statuses

We would like a way to stop users from being able to vote based on a specific status (e.g. Will Not Implement). This is similar to another idea found here however, the difference is that we are not using t...
Guest over 6 years ago in Voting 4 Future consideration

Filter ideas by visibility or creator type on ideas portal

Aha users can see all the ideas created by either employee/partners or other users (generally clients). They have an option to filter all the ideas based on if it is created by employee/partner or not employee/partner. It would be very useful for ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 6 Unlikely to implement

Configure the description field that displays on ideas portal

On the idea homepage, the name of the idea and description display. If you have hidden the description field in lieu of more specific fields, you still see "No description provided" on every single idea on the homepage. It would be awesome to be a...
Guest over 5 years ago in Ideas portal 4 Future consideration

On a public ideas portal: require a user account before posting, voting and commenting.

Our public ideas portal is today open for all people to post. I’ve been recommended by our internal security expert to require people to create an account before allowing them to post, vote and comment. When I set the ideas portal to be privat...
Guest over 6 years ago in User management 2 Unlikely to implement

Read only ideas portal user

It would be good to have the concept of a read-only or vote-only ideas user permission This would effectively allow users to vote on existing ideas, but not create new ones.
Mark Evans over 5 years ago in Ideas portal 8 Future consideration