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Ideas portal

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Switch off idea submission within a portal

We'd like to be able to switch off idea submission within an ideas portal on a per product workspace basis.This would be used when a workspace wants to stop accepting new ideas for reasons, such as: The product has reached the end of marketing/sup...
Nigel Lawrence about 2 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Future consideration

Add ability to notify all members of an organization with idea updates

In our use case, ideas are collected from internal stakeholder groups who we would like to group into organizations. But, this really only becomes useful for us if all members of that organization are notified of updates on ideas that are associat...
Reilly O'Connor almost 3 years ago in Ideas / Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Allow the creator to specify the visibility of an idea in a public portal

In previous solutions we've used to solicit feedback on new ideas in our company we've been able to allow the user to stipulate whether an idea should be private between us and them or visible to all. I'm well aware of portal default visibility se...
Nigel Lawrence about 3 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Remove Aha branding from widgets

Please remove Aha branding from the widgets
Vadim Solovey over 3 years ago in Branding 2 Future consideration

Allow portal users to manually select their language

With Aha! Ideas Advanced the ideas portal can now support multiple languages. The portal will automatically detect a user's browser language and display the portal in that language (assuming the language is enabled for the portal). However, some u...
Kelly Sebes over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Idea portal vs. Salesforce idea search results

Within an ideas portal, using the search ability will return ideas that match on all of the words. When searching from the Salesforce integration, the results are different since they are matched on any of the words. Utilizing the same search meth...
Shawn Zenz over 4 years ago in Ideas portal / Salesforce 1 Future consideration

Let my customers rank their submitted ideas

I can allow my customers to submit ideas, and provide some form of priority value they can set. However if they set some or all of the ideas to the same priority I cannot identify which is the most important idea of that set (from the point of vie...
Alex Horan over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Reviewer role should not be able to change idea status

There is a good use case documented for Reviewers to be able to edit ideas they've submitted in an ideas portal ( However, allowing them to change the Status of that idea is not a good idea. This is and s...
Michael Tucker almost 5 years ago in User management 1 Future consideration

Captcha authentication on submit-only portals

submit only portals are vulnerable to non-human submissions/spam
Madeline Wright about 5 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

As a PM I would like to add badging capabilities to give incentive to external customers and prospective customers to submit new ideas and comment on existing ideas logged in AHA.

Offering extrernal ideation is worthless if people do not use the tool. If AHA provides comanies a way to reward end users through regonition for contributions based on volume, quality of detail, implemention success or other criteria users will b...
Karla Carpenter over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Unlikely to implement