Provide a My Company Ideas similar to My Ideas on Ideas portal
Who would benefit? End users on a team What impact would it make? Efficiency and transparency to reduce frustration of customer groups looking to monitor or follow-up on their company's submissions How should it work? Just as My ideas filters for ...
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Allow votes to be automatically returned to voter when an idea is Declined
My understanding is that your Ideas platform currently doesn't support automatically returning votes for any status beyond 'Done' and 'Shipped'. Our users have requested that votes be returned for declined ideas, which I think makes a lot of sense...
almost 5 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
The profile page needs a large overhaul. Right now it is not a functional space.
I would like to see it become a hub for the user to go, see what actions they have taken and easily review their interactions within the community. It should inclu...
Peter Segre
almost 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Allow Aha! users to setup a watch directly in the ideas portal, just like Subscribe for portal users
Most of our Aha! users do not actually need access to the full application. Access to our private Ideas Portal would be enough, but unfortunately Google Apps authentication is not supported directly. To overcome the lack of Google Apps auth...
Antti Toivonen
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
There is a lot of flexibility with the user permission settings. As an administrator it would be nice if I could impersonate a user to identify possible issues. This feature is found in other applications in the market.
over 10 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Allow Portal Users to switch already posted comments to private
Who would benefit? Aha customers with strict governance What impact would it make? Allows employees to correct their mistake if they posted a public comment that should be private How should it work? When viewing comments in the portal, allow port...
Angela Frey
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Ability for portal users to flag a comment as inappropriate
Who would benefit? Aha Customers with strict governance What impact would it make? Crowd-source moderation How should it work? When viewing comments in the portal, a portal user should be able to flag a comment as inappropriate. This would then tr...
Angela Frey
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
When I’m in the proxy vote section of ideas, I cannot scroll to the right until I have scrolled all the way to the bottom which is a really terrible user experience. I would also ideally like to be able to lock columns in the view so that as I scr...
Melissa Crawford
almost 3 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
As an Ideas Advanced customer with access to portal pages, it's great to be able to embed roadmaps and reports directly into the portal. But, my stakeholders can't filter those views. It would be great to have the interactive, configurable filters...
Reilly O'Connor
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Who would benefit? Aha! Ideas Advanced customers utilizing custom ideas portal pages What impact would it make? Allow users engaging with an ideas portal to quickly link from one note to another How should it work? I would like to be able to add l...
Justin Waldorf
12 months ago
in Ideas portal / Notes
Future consideration