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Ideas portal

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Make the ideas category field a multi-step selection of the top level category then the sub-level category

Due to the nature of our work, our parent category and sub-category lists are long. It would make submission of an idea more of a streamlined process if we were able to have a field for selection of parent category and then a subsequent field for ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Allow semi-private portals with pre-shared parameter protection

Currently you support either public portals or private ones (including JWT/SSO login). We do not want to implement a full JWT/SSO login, but at the same time also not just make the ideas page public to everyone. We only want our application users ...
Guest over 1 year ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Allow interactive filtering on portal pages

As an Ideas Advanced customer with access to portal pages, it's great to be able to embed roadmaps and reports directly into the portal. But, my stakeholders can't filter those views. It would be great to have the interactive, configurable filters...
Reilly O'Connor over 1 year ago in Ideas portal 2 Already exists

Ability to set vote to 0 for specific user so they can only submit idea but no vote.

Currently Portal only allows me to set each person has minimum 1 vote. While i need some user to not able to vote and only able submit idea
Guest over 1 year ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Add followers to my idea

As an idea submitter, I want to add relevant stakeholders as followers of my idea so that they can add necessary comments from their perspective. Today, there is not a way to proactively notify users in our private portal when a new idea is posted...
Guest over 1 year ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Disable creation of "Public" type Idea Portals for whole account

My organization would like the option to have an account-wide setting that allows disabling "Public" Idea Portals (much like sharing can be controlled).
David I. over 1 year ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Lock poll during empathy session

During an empathy session I want to lock a poll so we can move onto another question, poll or topic with the results fixed. This similar functionality to Slido.
Daniel Lynch over 1 year ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Send summary portal emails to internal users only

We recently configured our ideas portal to send out a weekly summary. We only want our internal users to get this email. We've currently specified that only users with our domain can self-register. However we have additional portal users who come ...
Sara Hasson over 1 year ago in Ideas portal 2 Future consideration

Allow for us to define the content of an automatic email sent

We lock down our Aha! ideation url to only be accessed from our app. We see that as an important part of keeping our 'secret sauce' secret. The problem is when we promote an idea, our customer get an email with a link that does not allow them to a...
Guest over 1 year ago in User management 1 Already exists

GUI on mobile device

When accessing the idea portal through the web browser on a mobile device, the layout could be more graphically appealing (dynamic scaling, overlapping buttons in the task bar, bigger fonts?)
Guest over 1 year ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration