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Ideas portal

Showing 172

Allow admin to change idea contributor

Old habits die hard, and as head of product I continue to receive lots of ideas by email and other channels. I would like to be able to add these ideas to the ideas portal on behalf of the person who sent it. For ideas sent to me via email, I woul...
Shawn Smith almost 10 years ago in Ideas portal 7 Shipped

Allow making the description required for ideas

The description field is not required when submitting an idea in an ideas portal. This could be configured for each idea portal.
Jonathan Steel over 6 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Shipped

Allow public portals to block search engine indexing.

We want to have our idea portal to be easily accessed by employees, but not by the public. I had been relying on the fact the portal was embedded in an intranet site to allow for security through obscurity, but have since learned the pages are ind...
Gord McNeill over 9 years ago in Ideas portal 4 Shipped

Idea Portal - make "Please add more details" section required (or configurable to be required)

Problem: I would like to make the adding an idea in our idea portal comprehensive, but when viewing the idea in Aha, I only see the "Your idea" as the title and the "Please add more details" section in the main view, then any custom fields that I ...
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Shipped

Merging ideas should total up votes

After merging three ideas with several votes against each into one master idea, the votes on the master idea are now at 0. Instead, it should be a total of the votes from all the merged ideas, since it's lost it's "popular" status.
Guest over 9 years ago in Voting 4 Shipped

Customize permissions of adding new contact or organization through the proxy voting flow

We would like to turn off the possibility to add new contacts and organizations in the proxy voting flow. The reason: we have a separate flow for adding new contacts and organizations which is in sync with other systems. We have many custom fields...
Hunor Ilyés about 3 years ago in Voting 1 Shipped

mandatory category

I want the option of making "category" mandatory when submitting an idea. That's the only way I can show all ideas in a category on the front page. Now I have to use a custom field named category, and that is not visible on the front page (only fo...
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Shipped

Allow branding the 404 not found page for Ideas portal

Sometimes ideas get deleted from the ideas portal. If a customer has an email with a link to the old idea, they get a 404 page. The 404 page is not brandable and contains a message to contact for help instead of an email address at ...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Shipped

Users to see their own idea regardless of visibility setting

We have configured our ideas so that when an idea is submitted, it is not published in the Ideas Portal until it has been reviewed (and idea status changed). However this is confusing users as they want to be able to see their own ideas immediatel...
Julie Edwards about 4 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Shipped

Ability to manage/modify default field on idea form

Ability to manage/modify default field on idea form. As an Aha user, I can go into account/configure idea portals/terminology to change the terminology of Ideas form field, however, i cannot turn it off or make it REQUIRED to force idea submitters...
Will Kuo over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Shipped