Have nested notes transfer to folders in the idea portal
We are building out some release notes to share in our idea portal and ideally, we would like to see our nested notes show up as a 'folder' in the portal. We are already noticing the list of notes has become quite long and having a folder function...
Bailey Fischer
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Assign portal users to an organisation and limit votes to the organisation instead of user
We currently allow multiple users to join our ideas portal from the same organisation, this is due to different members of that organisation specialising in different fields and thus having different ideas based on their profession and different t...
over 1 year ago
in User management
Future consideration
Ideas portal external users need better visibility to what falls into 'My Organization' bucket.
We learned today that the 'My Organization' filter logic includes MORE that just the Idea that were created by users within the given organization. It also includes any and all Ideas that each user has voted for. This is not intuitive (a user woul...
David Barber
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Administrators often manage Product Portals (because only admins can create new ones), and therefore it is limiting for admins to have to request from each report owner to update Share Settings. Admins should have ability to change all data settin...
We share dashboard view to our clients for viewing ideas submitted for enhancing our product. But on dashboard there is no option to vote for an idea. Can we get an option to vote for an idea directly from dashboard.
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
add a field in reporting with the name/email address of who submitted the comment
I want to be able to report on who is making comments. which organizations, etc. So either the name of the person who added the comment or the email address of the person who made the comment.
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Show search results in Ideas portal as one big list
When searching for ideas, I get a paged view of the results, requiring me to move from page to page to view all results. I'd like to have the option to show all the results in one large scroll list. I accept the possibility that the list can grow ...
Rob Boutmy
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Global feature to filter out internal votes displayed everywhere in Aha!, especially in the Ideas Portal
Our organization promises to review and take some action on any idea that receives over 25 votes. We don't count internal votes toward that total, but internal votes will push it over that threshold. The main problem is that the customers only see...
over 1 year ago
in Voting
Future consideration